کتاب های A. Davies

The Story of King Kheops and the Magicians : transcribed from papyrus Westcar (Berlin Papyrus 3033)
Aylward Manley Blackman, William Vivian Davies, 1988
God’s Mirror: Renewal and Engagement in French Catholic Intellectual Culture in the Mid–Twentieth Century
Katherine Davies and Toby Garfitt, 2014
Spanish Women’s Writing 1849-1996
Catherine Davies, 2000
Thomas Aquinas’s Quodlibetal Questions
Brian Davies; Turner Nevitt, 2019
Left of Karl Marx: The Political Life of Black Communist Claudia Jones
Carole Boyce Davies, 2008
Comics As Communication: A Functional Approach
Paul Fisher Davies, 2019
Medical Translation Step by Step: Learning by Drafting
Vicent Montalt, Maria González-Davies, 2014
War and Society in Medieval Wales, 633-1283: Welsh Military Institutions
Sean Davies, 2014
Crisis and progress in the Soviet economy : 1931-1933
Davies, Robert William, 1996
The Industrialisation of Soviet Russia, Volume 4: Crisis and Progress in the Soviet Economy, 1931-1933
Robert William Davies, 1998
The Industrialisation of Soviet Russia, Volume 5: The Years of Hunger: Soviet Agriculture 1931-1933
Robert William Davies; Stephen G. Wheatcroft, 2004
The Industrialisation of Soviet Russia Volume 6: The Years of Progress: The Soviet Economy, 1934-1936
Robert William Davies, 2014
The Industrialisation of Soviet Russia, Volume 7: The Soviet Economy and the Approach of War, 1937–1939
Robert William Davies; Mark Harrison; Oleg Khlevniuk; Stephen G. Wheatcroft, 2018
The Industrialisation of Soviet Russia 2
Davies, R. W., 1989
A Frequency Dictionary of Spanish: Core Vocabulary for Learners
Mark Davies, 2017
The Politics of antipolitics : the military in Latin America
Brian Loveman; Thomas M Davies, 1997
Gender and Austerity in Popular Culture: Femininity, Masculinity and Recession in Film and Television
Helen Davies and Claire O’Callaghan (eds.), 2017
Saints’ Cults in the Celtic World
Steve Boardman, John Reuben Davies, Eila Williamson (eds.), 2009
Principles of Financial Regulation
John Armour; Dan Awrey; Paul Davies; Luca Enriques; Jeffrey N Gordon; Colin Mayer; Jennifer Payne, 2016
International Transactions in Goods: Global Sales in Comparative Context
Martin Davies; David V. Snyder, 2014