کتاب های A. M. Muir Wood F.r.s.

Rang & Dale's Pharmacology, 8e
James M. Ritter DPhil FRCP FBPharmacolS FMedSci, Rod J. Flower PhD DSc FBPharmacolS FMedSci FRS, Graeme Henderson BSc PhD FBPharmacolS FSB, Humphrey P. Rang MB BS MA DPhil Hon FBPharmacolS FMedSci FRS, 2015
Biology and Molecular Biology of Plant-Pathogen Interactions
R. K. S. Wood FRS (auth.), 1986
Geotechnical Modelling
David Muir Wood, 2004
Geotechnical Modelling (Applied Geotechnics)
D. Muir-Wood, 2004
Coastal Hydraulics
A. M. Muir Wood M.A., 1969
Coastal Hydraulics
A. M. Muir Wood F.R.S., 1981
Soil Behaviour and Critical State Soil Mechanics
David Muir Wood, 1991
Tunnelling: Management by Design
Alan Muir Wood, 2000
Geotechnical Modelling (Applied Geotechnics)
David Muir Wood, 2004
Civil Engineering: A Very Short Introduction
David Muir Wood, 2012
A User's Guide to Trade Marks and Passing Off
Nicholas Caddick QC, Ben Longstaff, Jamie Muir Wood, Charlotte Duly, 2021
Bonding and Charge Distribution in Polyoxometalates: A Bond Valence Approach
K. H. Tytko, J. Mehmke, D. Kurad (auth.), Prof. Allen J. Bard, Prof. Ian G. Dance, Prof. Peter Day FRS, Prof. James A. Ibers, Prof. Toyohi Kunitake, Prof. Thomas J. Meyer, Prof. D. Michael P. Mingos, Prof. Herbert W. Roesky, Prof. Jean-Pierre Sauvage, Prof. Arndt Simon, Prof. Fred Wudl (eds.), 1999
Urology in Childhood
D. Innes Williams MD, MChir, FRCS, T. Martin Barratt MB, MRCP, Herbert B. Eckstein MA, MD, MChir (Cantab), FRCS (Eng), Sheila M. Kohlinsky MB, ChB, MRCP, DCH, George H. Newns MD, FRCP, Paul E. Polani MD, FRCP, FRS, Jack D. Singer MD (auth.), 1974
Mathematical Biology: II: Spatial Models and Biomedical Applications
J. D. Murray FRS (eds.), 1993
Magnetospheric Plasma Physics: The Impact of Jim Dungey’s Research
Stanley W. H. Cowley FRS, 2015
Thompson & Thompson: Genética en medicina
Robert L. Nussbaum, MD, Roderick R. McInnes, MD, PhD, FRS(C),, 2008
The Finite Element Method Set. Its Basis and Fundamentals
O.C. Zienkiewicz, CBE, FRS, R.L. Taylor
The Finite Element Method Set. Its Basis and Fundamentals
O.C. Zienkiewicz, CBE, FRS, R.L. Taylor, 2005
Rand and Dale's Pharmacology
Humphrey P. Rang MB MS MA DPhil FMedSci FRS Hon FBPharmacolS, 2007
The RAE Table of Earth Satellites 1957–1980
D. G. King-Hele FRS, 1981
The Rae Table of Earth Satellites 1957–1986
D. G. King-Hele FRS, 1987
Mathematical Biology
James D. Murray FRS (auth.), 1989
Mathematical Biology
James D. Murray FRS (auth.), 1993
Basic quantum mechanics
J. M. Cassels FRS (auth.), 1982