کتاب های A. P. French (auth.)

Napoleon : a life
Emperor of the French Napoleon I, 2014
The Squam Lake Report: Fixing the Financial System
Kenneth R. French, 2010
India : A Portrait
Patrick French, 2007
To the Moon and Back
Jackie French, 2010
Controversial concordats : the Vatican's relations with Napoleon, Mussolini, and Hitler
Emperor of the French Napoleon I, 1999
On Book Sprints
Baker, Rachel, Berry, David, Brokering, Mark, Dieter, Michel, French, Amanda, 2014
Marx's Eighteenth Brumaire : (post)modern interpretations
Emperor of the French Napoleon III, 2002
Design of Shallow Foundations
French, 1999
The Continuum Companion to the Philosophy of Science (Continuum Companions)
Steven French, 2011
William Harvey's Natural Philosophy
Roger French, 1994
A Continent for the Taking: The Tragedy and Hope of Africa
Howard W. French
Young Children’s Knowledge of Relational Terms: Some Ifs, Ors, and Buts
Lucia A. French, 1985
The Foundations of Analytic Philosophy
Peter French, 1981
Causation and Causal Theories
French P.A., 1984
The Fascinating History of Your Lunch
Jackie French, 2010
The Structure of the World: Metaphysics and Representation
Steven French, 2014
Witness to the young republic: a yankee's journal, 1828-1870
Benjamin Brown French, 1989
United States Protocol: The Guide to Official Diplomatic Etiquette
Mary Mel Ambassador French, 2010
The Revenge of the Radioactive Lady
Elizabeth Stuckey-French, 2010
Advising the Public About Radiation Emergencies: A Document for Public Comment
Clayton S. French, 1994
A Peaceful and Working People: Manners, Morals, and Class Formation in Northern Mexico
William E. French, 1996
Maya Ethnolinguistic Identity: Violence, Cultural Rights, and Modernity in Highland Guatemala
Brigittine M. French, 2010