کتاب های Aci Committee 209

Science and Technology for Army Homeland Security: Report 1
Committee on Army Service, 2003
Science and Technology for Army Homeland Security: Report 1
Committee on Army Service, 2003
Methods of testing concrete, Deel 13
Standards Association of Australia. Committee BD 42, 1992
Methods of testing concrete, Deel 20
Standards Association of Australia. Committee BD 42, 1992
Methods of testing concrete, method 3: determination of properties related to the consistency of concrete
Standards Association of Australia. Committee BD 42, 1998
Methods of testing concrete, method 3: determination of properties related to the consistency of concrete
Standards Association of Australia. Committee BD 42, 1998
Methods of testing concrete, method 3: determination of properties related to the consistency of concrete
Standards Association of Australia. Committee BD 42, 1998
Methods of testing concrete, method 3: determination of properties related to the consistency of concrete
Standards Association of Australia. Committee BD 42, 1998
Methods of testing concrete. Methods 2, Preparation of concrete mixes inthe laboratory
Standards Association of Australia. Committee BD 42, 1994
Methods of testing concrete: Determination of creep of concrete cylinders in compression
Standards Association of Australia. Committee BD 42, 1996
Methods of testing concrete: determination of mass per unit volume of hardened concrete
Standards Association of Australia. Committee BD 42, 1998
Methods of testing concrete: determination of mass per unit volume of hardened concrete
Standards Association of Australia. Committee BD 42, 1998
Methods of testing concrete: Determination of the compressive strength of concrete specimens
Standards Association of Australia. Committee BD 42, 1999
Methods of testing concrete: Method for the determination of bleeding of concrete
Standards Association of Australia. Committee BD 42, 1999
National Structural Concrete Specification for Building Construction - 3th Edition
A technical committee of CONSTRUCT
National Structural Concrete Specification for Building Construction - 4th Edition
A technical committee of CONSTRUCT
Refugee Women at Risk
Lawyers Committee for Human Rights
Draft recommendation of Information Technology - the Specification of IM engine Service Provider Interface
Committee identification: NEAOSS/WG 3; Secretariat: Shizuo Goto; Project Editor: Hiroshi Miura, "2007-09-12"
Haze in the Grand Canyon: An Evaluation of the Winter Haze Intensive Tracer Experiment
National Research Council, Washington, DC (USA). Committee on Haze in National Parks and Wilderness Areas; DOE/FE; Washington Procurement Operations Office, Washington, DC (United States).; United States. Department of the Interior.; United States. Environmental Protection Agency.; United States. Department of Energy. Office of Scientific and Technical Information., 1990
Ground water models : scientific and regulatory applications
National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Ground Water Modeling Assessment., 1990
Fuels to drive our future
Committee on Production Technologies for Liquid Transportation Fuels, 1990
Managing troubled waters : the role of marine environmental monitoring
Enviro, Committee on a Systems Assessment of Marine, 1989
Underutilized resources as animal feedstuffs
Subcommittee on Underutilized Resources as Animal Feedstuffs & Committee on Animal Nutrition & Board on Agriculture, National Research Council, 1983