کتاب های Aci Committee 223

Origin and Evolution of Earth Research Questions for a Changing Planet
Committee on Grand Research Questions in the Solid-Earth Sciences, 2008
Opportunities to Improve the U.S. Geological Survey National Water Quality Assessment Program
Committee to Improve the U.S. Geological Survey National Water Quality Assessment Program, Water Science, 2002
Quality of Ground Water - Guidelines for Selection and Application of Frequently Used Models
Committee on Ground Water Quality of the Environmental Engineering Division of the American Society, 1996
Financing Vaccines in the 21st Century: Assuring Access and Availability
Committee on the Evaluation of Vaccine Purchase Financing in the United States, 2003
Gulf War and Health, Volume 1: Depleted Uranium, Pyridostigmine Bromide, Sarin, Vaccines
Committee on Health Effects Associated with Exposures During the Gulf War, Division of Health Promotion, 2000
Immunization Safety Review: Vaccines and Autism
Immunization Safety Review Committee, 2004
New Vaccine Development: Establishing Priorities: Diseases of Importance in the United States
Committee on Issues, 1985
New Vaccine Development: Establishing Priorities: Volume I, Diseases of Importance in the United States
Committee on Issues, 1985
Automatic control in space 1982 : proceedings of the ninth IFAC/ESA symposium, Noordwijkerhout, the Netherlands, 5-9 July 1982
PThLMvan Woerkom; IFAC Technical Committee on Space.; European Space Research, 1983
Avoiding Surprise in an Era of Global Technology Advances
Committee on Defense Intelligence Agency Technology Forecasts, 2005
Avoiding Technology Surprise for Tomorrow's Warfighter--Symposium 2010
Committee for the Symposium on Avoiding Technology Surprise for Tomorrow"s Warfigher--2010, Division on Engineering, 2010
Housing for Special Groups. Proceedings of an International Seminar Organized by the Committee on Housing, Building and Planning of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, and Held in the Hague, 8–13 November 1976
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Committee on Housing, Building, 1977
ICT Fluency and High Schools: A Workshop Summary
Planning Committee on ICT Fluency, 2006
Review of Tax Processing System Planning for the Internal Revenue Service - A Report to the Internal Revenue Service Department of the Treasury
Committee on Internal Revenue Service Tax Processing System Planning, Board on Telecommunications-Computer Applications, Assembly of Engineering &, 1980
Review Procedures for Water Resources Project Planning
Panel on Peer Review, Committee to Assess the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Methods of Analysis, 2002
Applications of Analytical Chemistry to Oceanic Carbon Cycle Studies
Committee on Oceanic Carbon, 1993
Environmental Impacts of Wind-Energy Projects
Committee on Environmental Impacts of Wind Energy Projects, Board on Environmental Studies, 2007
Levees and the National Flood Insurance Program: Improving Policies and Practices
Committee on Levees, 2013
Preventing HIV Infection among Injecting Drug Users in High Risk Countries: An Assessment of the Evidence
Committee on the Prevention of HIV Infection among Injecting Drug Users in High-Risk Countries, 2006
Body Composition and Physical Performance: Applications for the Military Services
Committee on Military Nutrition Research, 1992
Mineral Requirements for Military Personnel: Levels Needed for Cognitive and Physical Performance During Garrison Training
Committee on Mineral Requirements for Cognitive, 2006
Nutrient Composition of Rations for Short-Term, High-Intensity Combat Operations
Committee on Optimization of Nutrient Composition of Military Rations for Short-term, 2005
Analyzing the U.S. Content of Imports and the Foreign Content of Exports
Committee on Analyzing the U.S. Content of Imports, 2006