کتاب های Adam G. Martin (editor)

Geschriebene und gesprochene Sprache als Modalitäten eines Sprachsystems
Martin Evertz-Rittich (editor); Frank Kirchhoff (editor), 2020
Naturalism and Social Philosophy: Contemporary Perspectives
Martin Hartmann (editor), Arvi Särkelä (editor), 2023
Of Precariousness: Vulnerabilities, Responsibilities, Communities in 21st-Century British Drama and Theatre
Mireia Aragay (editor); Martin Middeke (editor), 2017
Of Precariousness: Vulnerabilities, Responsibilities, Communities in 21st-Century British Drama and Theatre
Mireia Aragay (editor); Martin Middeke (editor), 2017
Reading 1-2 Peter and Jude: A Resource for Students
Eric Mason (editor), Troy Martin (editor), 2014
Life at the Dead Sea: Proceedings of the International Conference Held at the State Museum of Archaeology Chemnitz Smac, February 21-24, 2018, Chemnitz (Agypten Und Altes Testament)
Martin Peilstocker (editor), Sabine Wolfram (editor), 2020
Water in the Roman World: Engineering, Trade, Religion and Daily Life
Martin Henig (editor), Jason Lundock (editor), 2022
The Philosophical and Theological Relevance of Evolutionary Anthropology: Engagements with Michael Tomasello
Martin Breul (editor); Caroline Helmus (editor), 2023
Der Sport des Militärs: Perspektiven aus Forschung, Lehre und Praxis
Martin Elbe (editor); Frank Reichherzer (editor), 2023
House and Psychology: Humanity Is Overrated
Ted Cascio (Editor), Leonard L. Martin (Editor), 2011
Hebräisch: Biblisch-Hebräische Unterrichtsgrammatik
Michael Pietsch (editor); Martin Rösel (editor), 2016
Die Septuaginta - Texte, Theologien, Einflüsse: 2. Internationale Fachtagung veranstaltet von Septuaginta Deutsch (LXX.D), Wuppertal 23.-27. Juli ... Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament)
Martin Karrer (editor), Wolfgang Kraus (editor), 2010
Der kleine Katechismus Luthers mit beigefügten hessischen Fragestücken nebst einem Spruchbuch und einem Abriss der Kirchengeschichte
Martin Luther (editor); Konrad Euler (editor), 2022
Die deutschen geistlichen Lieder
Martin Luther (editor); Gerhard Hahn (editor), 1967
House and Psychology: Humanity Is Overrated
Ted Cascio (Editor), Leonard L. Martin (Editor), 2011
Utopie und Dystopie: Beiträge zur österreichischen und europäischen Literatur vom 18. bis zum 21. Jahrhundert
Martin Vejvar (editor); Nicole Streitler-Kastberger (editor), 2023
Utopie und Dystopie: Beiträge zur österreichischen und europäischen Literatur vom 18. bis zum 21. Jahrhundert
Martin Vejvar (editor); Nicole Streitler-Kastberger (editor), 2023
Interrogating Human Origins: Decolonisation and the Deep Human Past
Martin Porr (editor), Jacqueline Matthews (editor), 2019
Brexit and After: Perspectives on European Crises and Reconstruction from Asia and Europe
Kumiko Haba (editor), Martin Holland (editor), 2020
Globalisation and the Roman World: World History, Connectivity and Material Culture
Martin Pitts (editor), Miguel John Versluys (editor), 2014
Compiler Construction: 16th International Conference, CC 2007, Held as Part of the Joint European Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ... (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4420)
Shriram Krishnamurthi (editor), Martin Odersky (editor), 2007
Chinese Maritime Cases: Selection for Year of 2014 (Chinese Maritime Cases Series)
Martin Davies (editor), Jiang Lin (editor), 2021
Chinese Maritime Cases: Selection for Year of 2017 (Chinese Maritime Cases Series)
Martin Davies (editor), Jiang Lin (editor), 2022
Soziale Netzwerke und soziale Ungleichheit: Zur Rolle von Sozialkapital in modernen Gesellschaften (Sozialstrukturanalyse) (German Edition)
Jörg Lüdicke (editor), Martin Diewald (editor), 2007