کتاب های Adrian Day

Irrigation Systems: (Cabi Publications)
Adrian Laycock, 2007
Dragonfly Falling (Shadows of the Apt 2)
Adrian Tchaikovsky, 2010
Dragonfly Falling: Shadows of the Apt (Book Two)
Adrian Tchaikovsky, 2009
Clause Structure and Language Change
Adrian Battye, 1995
Couples, Conflict and Change: Social Work with Marital Relationships
Adrian James, 1986
Dictionary of Sports and Games Terminology
Adrian Room, 2010
Crime and Security: Managing the Risk to Safe Shopping
Adrian Beck, 1995
Russian Energy Security and Foreign Policy
Adrian Dellecker, 2011
Blood of the Mantis (Shadows of the Apt 3)
Adrian Tchaikovsky, 2010
Blood of the Mantis (Shadows of the Apt 3)
Adrian Tchaikovsky, 2010
Blood of the Mantis (Shadows of the Apt 3)
Adrian Tchaikovsky, 2010
Seabed Mechanics: Edited Proceedings of a Symposium, sponsored jointly by the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IUTAM) and the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), and held at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 5–9 September, 1983
Adrian F. Richards (auth.), 1985
Managing with Total Quality Management: Theory and Practice
Adrian Wilkinson, 1998
Post-Traumatic Urbanism: Architectural Design
Adrian Lahoud, 2010
Power, Politics and Identity in South African Media
Adrian Hadland, 2008
Electrochemical methods for neuroscience
Adrian C. Michael, 2007