کتاب های Age F. P. Bakker

Brill's Companion To Herodotus
Egbert J. Bakker, 2002
Poetry in Speech: Orality and Homeric Discourse
Egbert J. Bakker
Java 9 Modularity - Patterns and Practices for Developing Maintainable Applications (true pdf).
Sander Mak, Paul Bakker, 2017
Ideas of Education: Philosophy and Politics from Plato to Dewey
Christopher Brooke; Elizabeth Bakker, 2013
Mind, Cognition and Representation: The Tradition of Commentaries on Aristotle’s De anima
Paul J. J. M. Bakker, Johannes M. M. Thijssen (editors), 2007
Römer und Alamannen im Breisgau: Studien zur Besiedlungsgeschichte in Spätantike und frühem Mittelalter
Michael Hoeper, Christel Bücker, Lothar Bakker, Hugo Steger, 1994
Others of My Kind: Transatlantic Transgender Histories
Alex Bakker, Rainer Herrn, Michael Thomas Taylor, Annette F. Timm, 2020
Sister Churches: American Congregations and Their Partners Abroad
Janel Kragt Bakker, 2013
Mastering the IP Life Cycle from a Legal, Tax and Accounting Perspective: Grasping the Intangible
Isabel Verlinden, Anuschka Bakker, 2019
Enthalpies in Alloys
Hans Bakker, 1998
The Cambridge Grammar of Classical Greek
Evert van Emde Boas, Albert Rijksbaron, Luuk Huitink, Mathieu de Bakker, 2019
Buoyancy and Stability of Ships
R.F.Scheltema De Heere, A.R.Bakker; WPA Van Lammeren (Editor)
Grammar as Interpretation: Greek Literature in Its Linguistic Contexts
Egbert J. Bakker, 1997
Myth, Truth, and Narrative in Herodotus
Emily Baragwanath, Mathieu de Bakker, 2012
Climate Change Litigation. Global Perspectives
Ivano Alogna, Christine Bakker and Jean-Pierre Gauci (eds.), 2021
Vincent Van Gogh: A Life in Letters
Nienke Bakker; Leo Jansen; Hans Luijten, 2020
Strategy in 3D: Essential Tools to Diagnose, Decide, and Deliver
Greg Fisher, John E. Wisneski, Rene M. Bakker, 2020
Grandes Lignes 5e ed vmbo gt 3/4 livre de textes
Nieske Nikrou-Boeve; Jate Terpstra; Diana Zuidema; Elies Brocken; Agnes Bakker, 2015
Design Research in Education: A Practical Guide for Early Career Researchers
Arthur Bakker, 2018
Beyond Coercive Education: A plea for the realisation of the rights of the child in education
Christel Hartkamp-Bakker (editor), 2016
Analyzing Spatial Models of Choice and Judgment (Chapman & Hall/CRC Statistics in the Social and Behavioral Sciences)
David A. Armstrong, Ryan Bakker, Royce Carroll, Christopher Hare, Keith T. Poole, Howard Rosenthal, 2020
The Vakataka Heritage. Indian Culture at the Crossroads
Hans T. Bakker (ed.), 2004
The Alkhan: A Hunnic People in South Asia
Hans T. Bakker, 2020
Emotions and Narrative in Ancient Literature and Beyond: Studies in Honour of Irene de Jong
Mathieu P. de Bakker, Baukje van den Berg, Jacqueline Klooster, 2022