کتاب های Ajay Gupta

Effective GP commissioning: essential knowledge, skills and attitudes: a practical guide
Gupta, Sunil Kumar, 2011
The Promise of Infrastructure
Nikhil Anand; Akhil Gupta; Hannah Appel, 2018
Approximation with positive linear operators and linear combinations
Gupta, Vijay; Tachev, Gancho, 2017
Medicine Update 2018
Pritam Gupta, 2018
Reliability Analysis with Minitab
Kishore K. Pochampally, Surendra M. Gupta, 2016
Aavarana: The Veil
S.L. Bhyrappa; Sandeep Balakrishna; Deepti Gupta, 2017
Molecular Markers in Mycology: Diagnostics and Marker Developments
Bhim Pratap Singh, Vijai Kumar Gupta (eds.), 2017
Charting in Excel
Vijay Gupta, 2002
Java 11 and 12 New Features
Mala Gupta, 2019
Compendium of Hydrogen Energy: Hydrogen Storage, Distribution and Infrastructure
Ram Gupta, Angelo Basile, T. Nejat Veziroğlu, 2015
Real-Time and Distributed Real-Time Systems: Theory and Applications
Amitava Gupta, Anil Kumar Chandra, Peter Luksch, 2016
Subsurface Fluid Flow and Imaging: With Applications for Hydrology, Reservoir Engineering, and Geophysics
Donald Wyman Vasco, Akhil Datta-Gupta, 2016
Java EE 6. Leksykon kieszonkowy
Arun Gupta, 2013
Piracy in the Digital Era: Psychosocial, Criminological And Cultural Factors
Sanjeev P. Sahni, Indranath Gupta, 2019
Fintech: The New DNA of Financial Services
PranayY Gupta; Mandy Tham Tze Tham, 2018
Functions of a Complex Variable for Post-Graduate and B. A. Hons. Students
R.K. Gupta, J.N. Sharma, 1970
Medical Student Survival Skills: ECG
Philip Jevon, Jayant Gupta, 2019
Asian English Language Classrooms: Where Theory and Practice Meet
Handoyo Puji Widodo, Alistair Wood, Deepti Gupta, 2017
Fintech: The New DNA of Financial Services
Pranay Gupta, T. Mandy Tham, 2018