کتاب های Akira Yabe

Eugène Burnouf: the Background to his Research into the Lotus Sutra
Akira Yuyama, 2000
Index to the Abhidharmakosabhasya I : Sanskrit-Tibetan-Chinese = 俱舍論索引Ⅰ
Akira Hirakawa, 平川彰, 1983
Index to the Abhidharmakosabhasya III: Tibetan-Sanskrit = 俱舍論索引Ⅲ
Akira Hirakawa, 平川彰, 1978
Waking the Asian Pacific Co-operative Potential: How Co-operative Firms Started, Overcame Challenges, and Addressed Poverty Across the Asia Pacific
Morris Altman, Anthony Jensen, Akira Kurimoto, Robby Tulus, Yashavantha Dongre, Seungkwon Jang, 2020
The Origins Of The Cold War In Asia
Yōnosuke Nagai; Akira Iriye, 1977
Sūryacandrāya : essays in honour of Akira Yuyama on the occasion of his 65th birthday
Akira Yuyama; Gregory Schopen; Paul Maxwell Harrison, 1998
Cinema without Reflection: Jacques Derrida’s Echopoiesis and Narcissim Adrift
Akira Mizuta Lippit, 2016
Macro-Financial Linkages in the Pacific Region
Akira Kohsaka, 2015
New Consumer Behavior Theories From Japan
Akira Shimizu, 2021
The Quantum World Unveiled by Electron Waves
Akira Tonomura, 1996
Across the Pacific: An Inner History of American-East Asian Relations
Akira Iriye, 1967
A History of Syria in One Hundred Sites
Youssef Kanjou and Akira Tsuneki, 2016
Photoelectron Spectroscopy: Bulk and Surface Electronic Structures
Shigemasa Suga, Akira Sekiyama, Christian Tusche, 2021
The Cold War in Asia. A Historical Introduction
Akira Iriye, 1974
Global Interdependence: The World After 1945
Akira Iriye; Jürgen Osterhammel; Wilfried Loth; Thomas W. Zeiler; John Robert McNeill; Peter Engelke; Petra Goedde, 2014
Geschichte der Welt 1350-1750: Weltreiche und Weltmeere
Akira Iriye; Jürgen Osterhammel; Wolfgang Reinhard, 2015
Reducciones : la concentración forzada de las poblaciones indígenas en el Virreinato del Perú
Akira Saitō (editor); Claudia Rosas Lauro (editor), 2017