کتاب های Alan David Kaye (editor)

The Democratic Arts of Mourning: Political Theory and Loss
Alexander Keller Hirsch (editor), David W. McIvor (editor), 2019
The Democratic Arts of Mourning: Political Theory and Loss
Alexander Keller Hirsch (editor), David W. McIvor (editor), 2019
East Plays West: Sport and the Cold War
Stephen Wagg (editor), David Andrews (editor), 2007
Contemporary Writing and the Politics of Space: Borders, Networks, Escape Lines
David Walton (editor), Juan Antonio Suárez (editor), 2017
Early Modern Nationalism and Milton's England
David Loewenstein (editor), Paul Stevens (editor), 2008
Political Ecology and Environmentalism in Britain
Brendan Prendiville (editor), David Haigron (editor), 2020
ASEAN Law and Regional Integration: Governance and the Rule of Law in Southeast Asia’s Single Market
Diane Desierto (editor), David Cohen (editor), 2020
Evolutionary Perspectives on Infancy
Sybil L. Hart (editor), David F. Bjorklund (editor), 2021
The New Pan-Americanism and the Structuring of Inter-American Relations
Juan Pablo Scarfi (editor), David M. K. Sheinin (editor), 2022
Imperial Cities: Landscape, Display and Identity
Felix Driver (editor), David Gilbert (editor), 1999
Empire and mobility in the long nineteenth century
David Lambert (editor), Peter Merriman (editor), 2020
The Edinburgh History of the Book in Scotland, Volume 4: Professionalism and Diversity 1880–2000
David Finkelstein (editor), Alistair McCleery (editor), 2007
Twentieth Century Colonialism and China: Localities, the everyday, and the world
Bryna Goodman (editor), David S.G. Goodman (editor), 2012
The Law and the Courts in Ancient Greece
Adriaan Lanni, Angelos Chaniotis, David Mirhady, Christopher Carey, Frederick Naiden, Michael Gagarin, Robert Parker, Edward Harris (editor), Lene Rubinstein (editor), 2004
Poem Unlimited: New Perspectives on Poetry and Genre
David Kerler (editor), Timo Müller (editor), 2019
Postmodern Materialism and the Future of Marxist Theory: Essays in the Althusserian Tradition
Antonio Callari (editor), David F. Ruccio (editor), 1995
Postcolonial Thought in the French Speaking World
Charles Forsdick (editor), David Murphy (editor), 2009
Beyond the Innocence of Childhood, Volume 1: Factors Influencing Children and Adolescents' Perceptions and Attitudes Toward Death (Death, Value, & Meaning Series)
David W Adams (editor), Eleanor J Deveau (editor), 1995
The Cambridge History of Philosophy of the Scientific Revolution
David Marshall Miller (editor), Dana Jalobeanu (editor), 2022
Law of the Sea in South East Asia: Environmental, Navigational and Security Challenges
Donald R Rothwell (editor), David Letts (editor), 2019
The Church and Its Mission in the New Testament and Early Christianity: Essays in Memory of Hans Kvalbein
David E Aune (editor), Reidar Hvalvik (editor), 2018
Research Handbook on International Drug Policy
David R. Bewley-Taylor (editor), Khalid Tinasti (editor), 2020
Nuclear Medicine and PET/CT: Technology and Techniques
Kristen Waterstram-Rich (editor), David Gilmore (editor), 2016
Science, Technology, and Medicine in the Modern Japanese Empire
Wittner, David G. (editor), Brown, Philip C (editor), 2016