کتاب های Alan E. Shapiro (eds)

Carl Schmitt and the Intensification of Politics
Kam Shapiro, 2008
Carl Schmitt and the Intensification of Politics
Kam Shapiro, 2010
Still Writing: The Perils and Pleasures of a Creative Life
Dani Shapiro, 2014
La teoría de la democracia en el mundo real
Ian Shapiro, 2011
What We Keep: 150 People Share the One Object That Brings Them Joy, Magic, and Meaning
Bill Shapiro, Naomi Wax, 2018
Psychodynamic Treatment of Depression
Fredric N. Busch; Marie Rudden; Theodore Shapiro, 2016
A primer of modern standard Hindi
Shapiro, Michael C., 2003
Brainwashed: How Universities Indoctrinate America’s Youth
Ben Shapiro, 14 Jun 2010
A Moral Universe Torn Apart
Ben Shapiro, 6 July 2016
The Oxford Picture Dictionary: English-Vietnamese
Norma Shapiro, Jayme Adelson-Goldstein, 1998
Field Guide to Butterflies of the San Francisco Bay and Sacramento Valley Regions
Arthur M. Shapiro, Timothy D. Manolis, 2007
Gli internazionalisti. Come il progetto di mettere al bando la guerra ha cambiato il mondo
Oona A. Hathaway, Scott J. Shapiro, 2018
Professional pathways to the presidency
Marchant-Shapiro, Theresa, 2015
Princípios de Termodinâmica para Engenharia
Moran, Michael J., Shapiro, Howard N., Boettner, Daisie D., Bailey, Margaret B.
Are You a Walk-In?: A New Form of Benevolent Birth Is Now Available on Earth
Robert Shapiro, 2 Mar 2016
Varieties of Logic
Stewart Shapiro, 2014
Embodied Cognition
Lawrence A. Shapiro, 2019
Windows 10 Anniversary Update Bible
Rob Tidrow, Jim Boyce, Jeffrey R. Shapiro, 2017
Introduction to Forensic Psychology Clinical and Social Psycho logical Perspectives
Lenore E. A. Walker and David L. Shapiro
Ethical Leadership and Decision Making in Education: Applying Theoretical Perspectives to Complex Dilemmas
Joan Poliner Shapiro; Jacqueline A Stefkovich, 2016