کتاب های Alan Pugh (auth.)

Advances in Intelligent Web Mastering - 2: Proceedings of the 6th Atlantic Web Intelligence Conference - AWIC’2009, Prague, Czech Republic, September, 2009
Jan Dědek, Alan Eckhardt, Peter Vojtáš (auth.), Vaclav Snášel, Piotr S. Szczepaniak, Ajith Abraham, Janusz Kacprzyk (eds.), 2010
Decline and Growth in English Towns, 1400–1640
Alan Dyer (auth.), 1991
AIDS in the Twenty-First Century: Disease and Globalization
Tony Barnett, Alan Whiteside (auth.), 2002
Disorder and Nonlinearity: Proceedings of the Workshop J.R. Oppenheimer Study Center Los Alamos, New Mexico, 4–6 May, 1988
R. Knapp, G. Papanicolaou, B. White (auth.), Dr. Alan R. Bishop, Dr. David K. Campbell, Dr. Stephanos Pnevmatikos (eds.), 1989
Glacial Lake Missoula and the Channeled Scabland Missoula, Montana to Portland, Oregon, July 20-26, 1989
Roy M. Breckenridge, Bryan F. Atwater, Victor R. Baker, Alan J. Busacca, Richard L. Chambers, Robert R. Curry, Larry G. Hanson, Eugene P. Kever, Eric V. McDonald, Dale F. Stradling, Richard B. Waitt(auth.)
Anesthesia and the Central Nervous System: Papers presented at the 38th Annual Postgraduate Course in Anesthesiology, February 19–23, 1993
Alan A. Artru M.D. (auth.), R. J. Sperry, J. O. Johnson, T. H. Stanley (eds.), 1993
Foundations of Probability Theory, Statistical Inference, and Statistical Theories of Science: Volume I Foundations and Philosophy of Epistemic Applications of Probability Theory
Ernest W. Adams (auth.), William L. Harper, Clifford Alan Hooker (eds.), 1975
Antibacterial Agents: Chemistry, Mode of Action, Mechanisms of Resistance and Clinical Applications
Rosaleen J. Anderson, Paul W. Groundwater, Adam Todd, Alan J. Worsley(auth.), 2012
Frontiers in Numerical Analysis: Durham 2002
Franco Brezzi, Donatella Marini (auth.), James F. Blowey, Alan W. Craig, Tony Shardlow (eds.), 2003
Environmental Challenges and Greenhouse Gas Control for Fossil Fuel Utilization in the 21st Century
J. Alan Beamon, Robert T. Eynon (auth.), M. Mercedes Maroto-Valer, Chunshan Song, Yee Soong (eds.), 2002
Infections in the Immunocompromised Host: Laboratory Diagnosis and Treatment
Donald Armstrong (auth.), Paul Actor, Alan Evangelista, James Poupard, Eileen Hinks (eds.), 1986
Biology of Growth Factors: Molecular Biology, Oncogenes, Signal Transduction, and Clinical Implications
Irving B. Fritz (auth.), Jeffrey E. Kudlow, David H. MacLennan, Alan Bernstein, Avrum I. Gotlieb (eds.), 1988
Learn Unity for 2D Game Development
Alan Thorn (auth.), 2013
Desorption Induced by Electronic Transitions DIET V: Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop, Taos, NM, USA, April 1–4, 1992
L. Sanche (auth.), Dr. Alan R. Burns, Dr. Ellen B. Stechel, Dr. Dwight R. Jennison (eds.), 1993
Contemporary Capacity-Building in Educational Contexts
Patrick Alan Danaher, Andy Davies, Linda De George-Walker, Janice K. Jones, Karl J. Matthews, Warren Midgley, Catherine H. Arden, Margaret Baguley (auth.), 2014
Educational Learning and Development: Building and Enhancing Capacity
Margaret Baguley, Patrick Alan Danaher, Andy Davies, Linda De George-Walker, Janice K. Jones, Karl J. Matthews, Warren Midgley, Catherine H. Arden (auth.), 2014
A Commentary on Thermodynamics
William Alan Day (auth.), 1988
Heat Conduction Within Linear Thermoelasticity
William Alan Day (auth.), 1985
Accidental Injury: Biomechanics and Prevention
Y. C. Fung (auth.), Alan M. Nahum, John W. Melvin (eds.), 1993
Accidental Injury: Biomechanics and Prevention
Y. C. Fung (auth.), Alan M. Nahum M.D., John W. Melvin Ph.D. (eds.), 2002
Applications and Innovations in Intelligent Systems XI: Proceedings of AI2003, the Twenty-third SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Kushan Nammuni, Claire Pickering, S. Modgil, Alan Montgomery, P. Hammond (auth.), Professor Max Bramer BSc, PhD, CEng, FBCS, FIEE, FRSA, Richard Ellis BSc, MSc, Dr Ann Macintosh BSc, CEng (eds.), 2004
Handbook on Material and Energy Balance Calculations in Material Processing, Third Edition
Arthur E. Morris, Gordon Geiger, H. Alan Fine(auth.), 2011
Constructability in Building and Engineering Projects
Alan Griffith, Tony Sidwell (auth.), 1995
Advanced Negotiation Techniques
Alan McCarthy, Steve Hay (auth.), 2015