کتاب های Alan R

It's still Greek to me: an easy-to-understand guide to intermediate Greek
David Alan Black, 1998
Gimson''s Pronunciation of English
Cruttenden, Alan, 2014
Rédiger un texte académique en français : Niveau B2 à C1
Sylvie Garnier, Alan Savage, 2011
An introduction to Dena'ina grammer: The Kenai dialect
Alan Boraas., 2012.
Cognitive Linguistics (Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics)
William Croft, D. Alan Cruse, 2004
Who's Who in Non-Classical Mythology
Edgerton Skyes, Alan Kendall, Egerton Sykes, 1993
Art and Meaning: Rhetoric in Biblical Literature (JSOT Supplement)
David J. A. Clines, David M. Gunn, Alan J. Hauser, 1982
Shakespeare's Letters
Alan Stewart, 2009
Linear and Geometric Algebra
Alan Macdonald, 2010
Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics
David F. Rogers, J.Alan Adams, 1976
Matrix analysis for scientists and engineers
Alan J. Laub, 2005
Matrix Analysis for Scientists and Engineers
Alan J. Laub, 2004
Vector and Geometric Calculus
Alan Macdonald, 2012
Analyzing Qualitative Data
Alan Bryman, 1994
Computability and Complexity Theory
Steven Homer, Alan L. Selman, 2011
Alan F. Beardon, 2005
A Comprehensive Indonesian-English Dictionary - Second Edition
Alan M. Stevens, A. Schmidgall-Tellings, 2010
A Handbook of Essential Mathematical Formulae
Alan Davies, Diane Crann, 2005
An introduction to combinatorics
Alan Slomson, 1997
Applied combinatorics
Alan Tucker, 1995
Applied combinatorics
Alan Tucker, 1994