کتاب های Alejandro Quesada

The Spanish-American War and Philippine Insurrection: 1898-1902
Alejandro Quesada, 2007
The Spanish-American War And The Philippine Insurrection
Alejandro Quesada, 2007
Imperial German Colonial and Overseas Troops 1885-1918
Alejandro Quesada, 2013
Roosevelt's Rough Riders
Alejandro de Quesada, 2009
Roosevelt's Rough Riders
Alejandro de Quesada, 2009
Spanish Colonial Fortifications in North America 1565-1822 (Fortress)
Alejandro de Quesada, 2010
The Bay of Pigs: Cuba 1961
Alejandro Quesada, 2009
The Chaco War 1932-35: South America's Greatest War
Alejandro Quesada, 2011
The Men of Fort Foster: Enlisted Uniforms, Equipment and Artifacts of the United States Armed Forces, 1835-1842
Alejandro M. de Quesada, 1996
The Spanish Civil War 1936-39 (2): Republican Forces
Alejandro de Quesada, 2015
The Spanish-American War and Phillipine Insurrection 1898-1902
Alejandro de Quesada:, 2007
The US Home Front 1941-45
Alejandro de Quesada, 2008
US Coast Guard in World War II (Elite 180)
Alejandro de Quesada, 2010
US Coast Guard in World War II (Elite)
Alejandro de Quesada, 2010
US Coast Guard in World War II (Elite)
Alejandro de Quesada, 2010
Distant Thunder: The US Artillery from the Spanish-American War to the Present
Alejandro M. de Quesada, 2001
The Spanish Civil War, 1936–1939, (1): Nationalist Forces
Alejandro de Quesada, 2014
Scientia in verba Magazine Junio 2019. Ciencias cognitivas.
Juan Gefaell Borrás; Johnny Cartín Quesada; Diego Alonso Becerra; Antonio Diéguez Lucena; Enrique Farfán Ugalde; Alejandro Gracia Di Rienzo; Sergio Morales Inga; Sergio Aramburu; Andrés Zules Triviño; Hilda Hernández López; María Clara Garavito; Jaime Yáñez Canal; Josué Bojorges; Augusto Francisco Scalona; Sergio Barrera, 2019
The Hunt for Pancho Villa: The Columbus Raid and Pershing’s Punitive Expedition, 1916–17
Alejandro de Quesada, 2012