کتاب های Alex Maccormick

The Mammoth Book of Predators
Alex MacCormick, 2014
An Institutional Theory of Law: New Approaches to Legal Positivism (Law and Philosophy Library)
N. MacCormick, Ota Weinberger, 1986
Constructing Legal Systems: “European Union” in Legal Theory
Neil MacCormick (auth.), 1997
H.L.A. Hart
Neil MacCormick, 2008
Institutions of Law
Neil MacCormick, 2007
H.L.A. Hart
Neil MacCormick, 2010
Instituciones del derecho
Neil MacCormick, 2011
What can be computed? : a practical guide to the theory of computation
MacCormick, John, 2018
Political Science: A Comparative Introduction (8th Edition)
Hague, Rod; Harrop, Martin; MacCormick, John, 2016
Razonamiento jurídico y teoría del derecho
Neil Maccormick, 2018
Law and legal interpretation
Atria, Fernando; MacCormick, Neil, 2003
Retórica y estado de derecho: una teoría del razonamiento jurídico
Neil MacCormick, 2016
Retórica y estado de derecho. Una teoría del razonamiento jurídico
Neil MacCormick, 2016
Interpreting Precedents: A Comparative Study
D. Neil MacCormick, Robert S. Summers, Arthur L. Goodhart, 1997
Interpreting Statutes: A Comparative Study
D. Neil MacCormick, Robert S. Summers, 1991
Rhetoric and the rule of law : a theory of legal reasoning
MacCormick, Neil, 2010
9 algoritmi che hanno cambiato il futuro
John MacCormick, 2012
9 algoritmi che hanno cambiato il futuro
John MacCormick, 2012
Retorica E O Estado De Direito
Neil Maccormick, 2008
La razón práctica en el Derecho y la moral
Neil MacCormick, 2021
Argumentação Jurídica e Teoria do Direito
Neil MacCormick, 2006
大师学述:哈特 = H.L.A. Hart
(MacCormick Neil) 麦考密克, 2010