کتاب های Alexander Sun (auth.)

Image and Video Retrieval: 4th International Conference, CIVR 2005, Singapore, July 20-22, 2005. Proceedings
Alexander G. Hauptmann (auth.), 2005
Abstract Convexity and Global Optimization
Alexander Rubinov (auth.), 2000
Abstract convexity and global optimization
Alexander Rubinov (auth.), 2000
Advances in Disease Vector Research
Alexander S. Raikhel (auth.), 1992
China and Taiwan in Central America: Engaging Foreign Publics in Diplomacy
Colin R. Alexander (auth.), 2014
Citric Acid
Alexander Apelblat (auth.), 2014
4PL-Providing™ als strategische Option für Kontraktlogistikdienstleister: Eine konzeptionell-empirische Betrachtung
Alexander Schmitt (auth.), 2006
Algorithms and Programming: Problems and Solutions
Alexander Shen (auth.), 2010
Algorithms and Programming: Problems and Solutions
Alexander Shen (auth.), 2010
Balanced and Cyclical Growth in Models of Decentralized Economy
Alexander P. Abramov (auth.), 2014
Advances in Sensing with Security Applications: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute, held in St. Etienne de Tinee, France, August 28-September 11, 2004
Alexander A. Nepomnyashchy (auth.), 2006
Abgekürzte Rechnung: Nebst Einer Einführung in die Rechnung mit Logarithmen
Prof. Dr. Alexander Witting (auth.), 1922
Delegation von Aufgaben an IT-Assistenzsysteme: Sicherheit und Rechtsverbindlichkeit am Beispiel von E-Government und E-Tourismus
Alexander Roßnagel (auth.), 2009
Dynamics Reported: Expositions in Dynamical Systems
Alexander M. Blokh (auth.), 1995
Pappus of Alexandria Book 7 of the Collection: Part 1. Introduction, Text, and Translation
Alexander Jones (auth.), 1986
Zur Qualität von Inbound Centers im Marketing: Typen – Wirkungen – Implikationen
Dr. Alexander Schagen (auth.), 2013
Acculturation and Occupation: A Study of the 1956 Hungarian Refugees in the United States
S. Alexander Weinstock (auth.), 1969
Acculturation and Occupation: A Study of the 1956 Hungarian Refugees in the United States
S. Alexander Weinstock (auth.), 1969
Handbook of Renal Biopsy Pathology
Alexander J. Howie (auth.), 2008
Handbook of Renal Biopsy Pathology
Alexander J. Howie (auth.), 2001
Bioorganic Chemistry of Biological Signal Transduction
Alexander Levitzki (auth.), 2001
Bioorganic Chemistry of Biological Signal Transduction
Alexander Levitzki (auth.), 2001