کتاب های Alexander Wang

CRC Materials Science and Engineering Handbook
James F. Shackelford, William Alexander, 2001
CRC materials science and engineering handbook
James F Shackelford; William Alexander(eds.), 2001
Plasma Assisted Decontamination of Biological and Chemical Agents
Katie Gibson, Christine Haas, Selçuk Güçeri, Alexander Fridman, 2008
Die Internet-Ökonomie: Strategien für die digitale Wirtschaft
Prof. Dr. Axel Zerdick, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Arnold Picot, Prof. Dr. Klaus Schrape, Dipl.-Kfm. M.A. Alexander Artopé, Dr. Klaus Goldhammer, Dr. Ulrich Lange, Dipl.-Kfm. Eckart Vierkant, Prof. Dr. Esteban López-Escobar, Prof. Roger Silverstone PhD (auth.), 1999
Die Internet-Ökonomie: Strategien für die digitale Wirtschaft
Axel Zerdick, Arnold Picot, Klaus Schrape, Alexander Artopé, Klaus Goldhammer, Dominik K. Heger, Ulrich T. Lange, Eckart Vierkant, Esteban López-Escobar, Roger Silverstone PhD (auth.), 2001
E-Conomics: Strategies for the Digital Marketplace
Prof. Dr. Axel Zerdick, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Arnold Picot, Prof. Dr. Klaus Schrape, Alexander Artopé Dipl.-Kfm. M.A., Dr. Klaus Goldhammer, Dr. Ulrich T. Lange, Eckart Vierkant Dipl.-Kfm., Prof. Dr. Esteban López-Escobar, Prof., PhD Roger Silverstone (auth.), 2000
A Course in Convexity
Alexander Barvinok, 2002
A course in convexity
Alexander Barvinok, 2002
A Course in Convexity (Graduate Studies in Mathematics, V. 54)
Alexander Barvinok, 2002
A Course in Convexity (GSM 54)
Alexander Barvinok, 2002
Modeling Groundwater Flow and Contaminant Transport
Jacob Bear, Alexander H.-D. Cheng (auth.), 2010
Seawater Intrusion in Coastal Aquifers — Concepts, Methods and Practices
J. Bear, A. H.-D. Cheng (auth.), Prof. Jacob Bear, Prof. Alexander H.-D. Cheng, Prof. Shaul Sorek, Prof. Driss Ouazar, Ismael Herrera (eds.), 1999
Cisco CallManager Fundamentals
John Alexander, Chris Pearce, Anne Smith, Delon Whetten, 2005
Nonlinear Mechanics: A Supplement to Theoretical Mechanics of Particles and Continua
Alexander L. Fetter, John Dirk Walecka, 2006
Quantum theory of many-particle systems
Alexander L. Fetter, John Dirk Walecka, 1971
Quantum Theory of Many-Particle Systems
Alexander L. Fetter, John Dirk Walecka, 2003
Quantum Theory of Many-Particle Systems
Alexander L. Fetter, John Dirk Walecka, Physics, 2003
Advanced Lectures on Machine Learning: Machine Learning Summer School 2002 Canberra, Australia, February 11–22, 2002 Revised Lectures
Shahar Mendelson (auth.), Shahar Mendelson, Alexander J. Smola (eds.), 2003
Theoretical mechanics of particles and continua
Alexander L.Fetter, John D.Walecka, 2003
Ultracold Bosonic and Fermionic Gases
Kathryn Levin, Alexander L. Fetter and Dan M. Stamper-Kurn (Eds.), 2012
A Logical Theory of Nonmonotonic Inference and Belief Change
Dr. Alexander Bochman (auth.), 2001
A logical theory of nonmonotonic inference and belief change
Alexander Bochman, 2001