کتاب های Alexandre Koyré
درباره نویسنده

Introducción a la lectura de Platón
Alexandre Koyré, 1966
Introduzione a Platone
Alexandre Koyre, 1973
Filosofia e storia delle scienze
Alexandre Koyré, 2003
亞歷山大‧夸黑(Alexandre Koyre) , 2005
The Astronomical Revolution Copernicus — Kepler — Borelli
Alexandre Koyré
Isaac Newton's Philosoophiae naturalis Principia mathematica. The third edition with variant readings
Isaac Newton (auth.), Alexandre Koyré &, 1972
Isaac Newton's Philosoophiae naturalis Principia mathematica. The third edition with variant readings
Isaac Newton (auth.), Alexandre Koyré &, 1972
Filozofia lui Jakob Bohme
Alexandre Koyre, 2000
Filozofia lui Jakob Bohme
Alexandre Koyre, 2000
De la lumea inchisa la universul infinit
Alexandre Koyre, 1997
De la lumea inchisa la universul infinit
Alexandre Koyre, 1997
From the Closed World to the Infinite Universe
Alexandre Koyre, 1957
Do mundo fechado ao universo infinito
Alexandre Koyre, 199-?
Introduzione a Platone
Alexandre Koyré, 1973
L' idée de Dieu dans la philosophie de St. Anselme
Alexandre Koyré, 1984
Lezioni su Cartesio
Alexandre Koyré, 1990
Estudos de Historia do Pensamento Cientifico
KOYRE, Alexandre, 1982
Metaphysics And Measurement: Essays In Scientific Revolution
Alexandre Koyré, 1992
Epiménide le menteur
Alexandre Koyré, 1947
[法]柯瓦雷; Alexandre Koyré; 刘胜利(译), 2008
Dal mondo del pressappoco all’universo della precisione
Alexandre Koyré, 2000
“Δυτικός Πολιτισμός” η άνθιση της επιστήμης και της τεχνικής
Études d’histoire de la pensée scientifique
Koyré, Alexandre, 1985
Newtonian Studies
Alexandre Koyré, 1968