کتاب های Alfredo Jahn

Neoliberalism: A Critical Reader
Alfredo Saad-Filho, 2005
Inventa tus propios juegos de computadora con Python, 3ª edición
Alfredo Carella, 2015
The Neural Simulation Language: A System for Brain Modeling
Alfredo Weitzenfeld, 2002
Turbulence Structure and Modulation
Alfredo Soldati, 2001
Research developments in wood engineering and technology
Alfredo Aguilera, 2014
Structural Health Monitoring
Alfredo Guemes, 2006
Modern Amination Methods
Alfredo Ricci, 2000
Surgical Treatment of Hilar and Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma
Alfredo Guglielmi, 2007
Surgical Treatment of Hilar and Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma
Alfredo Guglielmi, 2007
Surgical Treatment of Hilar and Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma
Alfredo Guglielmi, 2008
Ethics and the Archaeology of Violence
Alfredo González-Ruibal, 2015
Fiat CR.32 Aces of the Spanish Civil War
Alfredo Logoluso Иллюстратор:Richard Caruana, 2010
O ser e o tempo da poesia
Alfredo Bosi, 1977
Numerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations
Alfredo Bellen, 1989
Enigmas of Health and Disease: How Epidemiology Helps Unravel Scientific Mysteries
Alfredo Morabia, 2014
A History of Epidemiologic Methods and Concepts
Alfredo Morabia (auth.), 2004
Complete part Design Handbook
E. Alfredo Campo, 2006
Machado de Assis : o enigma do olhar
Alfredo Bosi, 1999
The Mathematics of Models for Climatology and Environment
Alfredo Bermúdez (auth.), 1997