کتاب های Alireza

Cathodic corrosion protection systems : a guide for oil and gas industries
Alireza Bahadori, 2014
Politics and the Criteria of Truth
Alireza Shomali (auth.), 2010
Challenges in Mechanics of Time Dependent Materials, Volume 2: Proceedings of the 2017 Annual Conference on Experimental and Applied Mechanics
Alex Arzoumanidis, Meredith Silberstein, Alireza Amirkhizi (eds.), 2018
The Iranian Metaphysicals: Explorations in Science, Islam, and the Uncanny
Alireza Doostdar, 2018
Thermoelectric Energy Conversion: Basic Concepts and Device Applications
Diana Davila Pineda, Alireza Rezaniakolaei (eds.), 2017
Application of Soft Computing and Intelligent Methods in Geophysics
Alireza Hajian, Peter Styles, 2018
Recent Advances in Learning Automata
Alireza Rezvanian, Ali Mohammad Saghiri, S. Mehdi Vahidipour, Mehdi Esnaashari, Mohammad Reza Meybodi, 2018
Multidisciplinary Introduction to Desalination.
Bazargan, Alireza, 2018
Nationalism and Intra-State Conflicts in the Postcolonial World
Michael Fonkem; Fonkem Achankeng; Moses Ochonu; Ali R Abootalebi; Carlson Anyangwe; Alireza Asgharzadeh; Ofra Bengio; Chipamong Chowdhury; Michael Gunter; Lowell Gustafson; Daniel Karanja; Hassan Khannenje; J P Linstroth; Solomon Losha; Marie Olson Lounsbery; Jacob Mundy; Klaus-Jurgen Nagel; Michael T Ndemanu; Donald O Omagu; Margaret Power; Ozum Yesiltas, 2015
Application of Soft Computing and Intelligent Methods in Geophysics
Alireza Hajian, Peter Styles, 2018
Shale Oil and Gas Handbook. Theory, Technologies, and Challenges
Sohrab Zendehboudi, Alireza Bahadori, 2016
PET-CT in Cancer An Interdisciplinary Approach to Individualized Imaging
Mohsen Beheshti, Werner Langsteger, Alireza Rezaee, 2018
Power System Optimization Modeling in GAMS
Alireza Soroudi, 2017
Game Development and Simulation with Unreal Technology, Second Edition
Alireza Tavakkoli, 2018
Islamic Bioethics: Current Issues and Challenges
Alireza Bagheri (Editor), Khalid Alali (Editor), 2017
Challenges in Mechanics of Time Dependent Materials, Volume 2: Proceedings of the 2016 Annual Conference on Experimental and Applied Mechanics
Bonnie Antoun, Alex Arzoumanidis, H. Jerry Qi, Meredith Silberstein, Alireza Amirkhizi, Jevan Furmanski, Hongbing Lu (eds.), 2017
Body And Event In Howard Barker’s Drama: From Catastrophe To Anastrophe In The Castle And Other Plays
Alireza Fakhrkonandeh, 2019
Non-monotonic Approach to Robust H∞ Control of Multi-model Systems
Jiwei Wen Alireza Nasiri Sing Kiong Nguang Dhafer Almakhles, 2019
The Iranian metaphysicals : explorations in science, Islam, and the uncanny
Doostdar, Alireza, 2018
New Methods and Applications in Multiple Attribute Decision Making (MADM)
Alireza Alinezhad, Javad Khalili, 2019
Saffron: Science, Technology and Health
Alireza Koocheki (editor), Mohammad Khajeh-Hosseini (editor), 2019
Waste management in the chemical and petroleum industries
Alireza Bahadori, 2020