کتاب های Alma Alexander

The Faith of Fallen Jews: Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi and the Writing of Jewish History
David N. Myers, Alexander Kaye, 2013
Historical Dictionary of the Orthodox Church
Alexander Golitzin, 1996
Molecular Biology of the Cell
Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter, 2014
Molecular Biology of the Cell
Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter, 2014
Molecular Biology of the Cell
Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter, 2014
Atmospheric Boundary Layers: Nature, Theory and Applications to Environmental Modelling and Security
Alexander Baklanov, Branko Grisogono, A. Baklanov, B. Grisogono, 2010
Atmospheric Boundary Layers: Nature, Theory, and Application to Environmental Modelling and Security
Alexander Baklanov, Branko Grisogono, 2007
Interfacial Phenomena and Convection
Alexander A. Nepomnyashchy, Manuel G. Velarde, Pierre Colinet, 2002
Pattern Formation at Interfaces
Pierre Colinet, Alexander Nepomnyashchy, 2010
Pattern Formation at Interfaces (CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences)
Pierre Colinet, Alexander Nepomnyashchy, 2010
Anreicherung der Uran-Isotope nach dem Gaszentrifugenverfahren
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Wilhelm Groth, Dr.-Ing. Konrad Beyerle, Dr. rer. nat. Hans Ihle, Dr. rer. nat. Alexander Murrenhoff, Erich Nann, Dr. rer. nat. Karl-Heinz Welge (auth.), 1958
Bioinformatics Algorithms: Techniques and Applications (Wiley Series in Bioinformatics)
Ion Mandoiu, Alexander Zelikovsky, 2008
Abyssal Channels in the Atlantic Ocean: Water Structure and Flows
Eugene G. Morozov, Alexander N. Demidov, Roman Y. Tarakanov, Walter Zenk (auth.), 2010
Abyssal Channels in the Atlantic Ocean: Water Structure and Flows
Eugene G. Morozov, Alexander N. Demidov, Roman Y. Tarakanov, Walter Zenk (auth.), 2010
Alkali-Aggregate Reaction and Structural Damage to Concrete: Engineering Assessment, Repair and Management
Geoffrey E. Blight, Mark G Alexander, 2011
Alkali-Aggregate Reaction and Structural Damage to Concrete: Engineering Assessment, Repair and Management
Geoffrey E. Blight, Mark G Alexander, 2011
Design Methodologies for Secure Embedded Systems: Festschrift in Honor of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sorin A. Huss
Christoph Grimm, Markus Damm, Jan Haase (auth.), Alexander Biedermann, H. Gregor Molter (eds.), 2011
Design Methodologies for Secure Embedded Systems: Festschrift in Honor of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sorin A. Huss
Christoph Grimm, Markus Damm, Jan Haase (auth.), Alexander Biedermann, H. Gregor Molter (eds.), 2011
Design Methodologies for Secure Embedded Systems: Festschrift in Honor of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sorin A. Huss
Christoph Grimm, Markus Damm, Jan Haase (auth.), Alexander Biedermann, H. Gregor Molter (eds.), 2011
Design Methodologies for Secure Embedded Systems: Festschrift in Honor of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sorin A. Huss
Christoph Grimm, Markus Damm, Jan Haase (auth.), Alexander Biedermann, H. Gregor Molter (eds.), 2011
Gastroesophageal reflux diseases
Frank Alexander Granderath, Thomas Kamolz, Rudolph Pointner, 2006
Hirschsprung's disease and allied disorders with 49 tables
Alexander Matthias Holschneider, Prem Puri, 2007
Advances in Nonlinear Dynamics and Control: A Report from Russia
F. L. Chernousko (auth.), Alexander B. Kurzhanski (eds.), 1993
Applications of Evolutionary Computation: EvoApplicatons 2010: EvoCOMPLEX, EvoGAMES, EvoIASP, EvoINTELLIGENCE, EvoNUM, and EvoSTOC, Istanbul, Turkey, April 7-9, 2010, Proceedings, Part I
Marc Ebner, Richard A. Watson, Jason Alexander (auth.), Cecilia Di Chio, Stefano Cagnoni, Carlos Cotta, Marc Ebner, Anikó Ekárt, Anna I. Esparcia-Alcazar, Chi-Keong Goh, Juan J. Merelo, Ferrante Neri, Mike Preuß, Julian Togelius, Georgios N. Yannakakis (eds.), 2010