کتاب های Amir Zada Asad

The Persian Night: Iran under the Khomeinist Revolution
Taheri, Amir, 2010
Deep Learning Interviews: Hundreds of fully solved job interview questions from a wide range of key topics in AI.
Shlomo Kashani, Amir Ivry (editor), 2020
The Effects of Dust and Heat on Photovoltaic Modules: Impacts and Solutions
Amir Al-Ahmed, Inamuddin, Fahad A. Al-Sulaiman, Firoz Khan, 2021
War, Revolution, and Governance: The Baltic Countries in the Twentieth Century
Lazar Fleishman (editor), Amir Weiner (editor), 2018
Socioeconomic Dynamics of the COVID-19 Crisis: Global, Regional, and Local Perspectives
Nezameddin Faghih, Amir Forouharfar, 2022
Die linken Hegelianer: Studien zum Verhältnis von Religion und Politik im Vormärz
Michael Quante, Amir Mohseni, 2015
Power-Knowledge in Tabari’s «Histoire» of Islam: Politicizing the past in Medieval Islamic Historiography
Amir Moghadam, Terence Lovat, 2019
Maneras de amar
Levine, Amir; Heller, Rachel, 2021
Mohammad Reza Shajarian's Avaz in Iran and Beyond, 1979-2010
Rob Simms; Amir Koushkani, 2012
Mohammad Reza Shajarian's Avaz in Iran and Beyond, 1979-2010
Rob Simms; Amir Koushkani, 2012
A Reference Grammar of Modern Hebrew
Edna Amir Coffin, Shmuel Bolozky, 2012
Analysis of Pile Foundations Subject to Static and Dynamic Loading
Amir M. Kaynia (editor), 2021
Drawing Faces And Figures
Amir Sohail, 2022
An Introduction to Elements of Multilinear Algebra
Ali R. Amir-Moez, 1969
Seismic Imaging Methods and Applications for Oil and Gas Exploration
Yasir Bashir; Amir Abbas Babasafari; Abdul Rahim Md Arshad; Seyed Yaser Moussavi Alashloo; Abdul Halim Latiff; Rosita Hamidi; Shiba Rezaei; Teresa Ratnam; Chico Sambo; Deva Prasad Ghosh, 2022
Revealing Revelation Workbook: How God's Plans for the Future Can Change Your Life Now
Tsarfati, Amir; Yohn, Rick, 2022
Sociology of Shi'ite Islam: Collected Essays
Sad Amir Arjomand, 2016
South Sudan: Post-Independence Dilemmas
Amir Idris; Peter Adwok Nyaba; Leben Nelson Moro; Jane Kani Edward; Jok Madut Jok; Remember Miamingi, 2018
Handbook of Plum Fruit: Production, Postharvest Science, and Processing Technology
Amir Gull (editor), Gulzar Ahmad Nayik (editor), Sajad Mohd Wani (editor), Vikas Nanda (editor), 2022
Embun berdarah
Amir Hasan Nast., 1997
Specialty Imaging: Hepatobiliary and Pancreas
M.D. Federle, Michael P., M.D. Jeffrey, R. Brooke, M.D. Tublin, Mitchell E., M.D. Borhani, Amir A., 2012
Disruptive Technologies for Big Data and Cloud Applications: Proceedings of ICBDCC 2021 (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 905)
J. Dinesh Peter (editor), Steven Lawrence Fernandes (editor), Amir H. Alavi (editor), 2022
Turbulence: A Fundamental Approach for Scientists and Engineers
Amir A. Aliabadi, 2022
Intelligent Tire Systems
Nan Xu, Hassan Askari, Amir Khajepour, 2022