کتاب های Ana Pile

Travels of Learning: A Geography of Science in Europe
Ana Simões, Ana Carneiro, Maria Paula Diogo (auth.), Ana Simões, Ana Carneiro, Maria Paula Diogo (eds.), 2003
150 phrases entendues à la machine à café
Valérie Flan; Ana Pile, 2018
Ligand-Macromolecular Interactions in Drug Discovery: Methods and Protocols
Ana Sofia Pina, Abid Hussain, Ana Cecília A. Roque (auth.), Ana Cecília A. Roque (eds.), 2010
2D graphics programming for games
John Pile Jr., 2013
Real Cities: Modernity, Space and the Phantasmagorias of City Life
Steve Pile, 2005
History of interior design
John Pile, Judith Gura, 2013
History of Interior Design
John Pile, Judith Gura, 2013
Mapping the Subject: Geographies of Cultural Transformation
Steve Pile, 1995
Clinical Care Conundrums: Challenging Diagnoses in Hospital Medicine
James C. Pile, 2013
Emailing (Business Communications Skills)
Louise Pile, 2008
Place and the Politics of Identity
Steve Pile, 1993
Problem Solving in Rheumatology
Kevin Pile, 2008
The Body and the City: Psychoanalysis, Space and Subjectivity
Steve Pile, 1996
The Body and the City: Psychoanalysis, Space and Subjectivity
Steve Pile, 1996
Unruly Cities? : Order Disorder (Understanding Cities)
Steve Pile, 2000
City A-Z
Steve Pile, 2005
Susan Lowe, Louise Pile, 2007
Kay Anderson, Mona Domosh, Steve Pile, Nigel Thrift, 2009
Spaces of Spirituality
Bartolini, Nadia; MacKian, Sara; Pile, Steve, 2018
The Five Races of Europe
PILE, George, 1947
Geographies of Resistance
Keith, Michael; Pile, Steven, 2013