کتاب های Ana R. Lorenzo

From Constantinople to the Frontier: The City and the Cities
Nicholas S.M. Matheou, Theofili Kampianaki and Lorenzo M. Bondioli, 2016
Critical Care Secrets
Polly E. Parsons, Jeanine P. Wiener-Kronish, Lorenzo Berra, Renee D Stapleton, 2018
Categories: Histories and Perspectives
Giuseppe D’Anna (Editor), Lorenzo Fossati (Editor), 2018
What Is Real?
Giorgio Agamben; Lorenzo Chiesa, 2018![Grimoire d’algèbre commutative [book draft]](http://cdn.ketabkoo.com/covers/11/1167972-n.jpg)
Grimoire d’algèbre commutative [book draft]
Lorenzo Ramero, 2017
Evoluzione e cultura
Lorenzo Baravalle, 2018
Grimoire d’algèbre commutative
Lorenzo Ramero, 2017
Individualism in Modern Thought: From Adam Smith to Hayek
Lorenzo Infantino, 1998
Individualism in Modern Thought: From Adam Smith to Hayek
Lorenzo Infantino, 1998
Maths for Social Sciences
Lorenzo Peccati, 2018
Maths for Social Sciences
Lorenzo Peccati, Mauro D’Amico, Margherita Cigola, 2018
Evoluzione e cultura
Lorenzo Baravalle, 2018
Applied Linear Algebra: The Decoupling Principle
Lorenzo Sadun, 2007
Between Personal and Institutional Religion: Self, Doctrine, and Practice in Late Antique Eastern Christianity
Brouria Bitton-Ashkelony; Lorenzo Perrone, 2013
Molecular Characterization of Autophagic Responses, Part A
Lorenzo Galluzzi, José Manuel Bravo-San Pedro and Guido Kroemer (Eds.), 2017
Molecular Characterization of Autophagic Responses, Part B
Lorenzo Galluzzi, José Manuel Bravo-San Pedro and Guido Kroemer (Eds.), 2017
Translational Advances in Gynecologic Cancers
Michael Birrer and Lorenzo Ceppi (Eds.), 2017
Mécanique quantique - 3ème édition - Atomes et noyaux. Applications technologiques
Jean Hladik, Michel Chrysos, Pierre-Emmanuel Hladik, Lorenzo Ugo Ancarani, 2009