کتاب های And Cohen

Engaging Performance: Theatre as call and response
Jan Cohen-Cruz, 2010
Engaging Performance: Theatre as Call and Response
Jan Cohen-Cruz, 2010
Pirating Fictions: Ownership and Creativity in Nineteenth-Century Popular Culture
Monica F. Cohen, Herbert F. Tucker, Jill Rappoport, 2018
Quantum Mechanics
Claude Cohen-Tannoudji; Bernard Diu; Frank Laloe, 1991
Atlas of Head amp Neck Surgery
James I. Cohen, Gary L. Clayman, 2011
The Oxford Handbook of Numerical Cognition
Roi Cohen Kadosh (editor), Ann Dowker (editor), 2015
Climate Change and Gender in Rich Countries: Work, public policy and action
Marjorie Griffin Cohen, 2017
Neurocognitive Development: Normative Development, 173
Anne Gallagher; Christine Bulteau; David Cohen; Jacques Michaud, 2020
Atlas of Image-Guided Spinal Procedures
Michael B. Furman, Leland Berkwits, saac Cohen, Bradly S. Goodman, Jonathan S. Kirschner, Thomas S. Lee, Paul S. Lin, 2018
Palestine in the 18th Century: Patterns of Government and Administration
Amnon Cohen, 1973
The Aesthetics of the Undersea
Cohen, Margaret; Quigley, Killian, 2018
The Aesthetics of the Undersea
Cohen, Margaret; Quigley, Killian, 2019
The Spice-Box of Earth
Leonard Cohen, 2018
Let Us Compare Mythologies
Leonard Cohen, 2018
The Energy of Slaves
Leonard Cohen, 2018
Intellectual Property Practice
Jerry Cohen; Sara Yevics Beccia; Russell Beck; David E. Blau; John A. Hamilton; Renee Inomata; Timothy M. Murphy; Deborah J. Peckham; Jay Sandvos; Mark Schonfeld; John C. Serio; William S. Strong; Bruce D. Sunstein, 2016
Death of a Lady's Man
Leonard Cohen, 2018
Parasites of Heaven
Leonard Cohen, 2018
Estrutura da linguagem poética
Jean Cohen, 1974
Big Data, Health Law, and Bioethics
Glenn Cohen, Holly Fernandez Lynch, Effy Vayena, Urs Gasser (eds.), 2018
Coffee For Dummies
Major Cohen, 2021
Homophobias: Lust and Loathing across Time and Space
David A. B. Murray, Don Kulick, Martin F. Manalansan, Constance R. Sullivan-Blum, Steven Angelides, Brian Riedel, Suzanne LaFont, Lawrence Cohen, 2009
Obstacle Course: The Everyday Struggle to Get an Abortion in America
David S. Cohen, Carole E. Joffe, 2020