کتاب های And L.m. De Rijk

The Telecommunications Challenge: Changing Technologies and Evolving Policies - Report of a Symposium
Committee on the Telecommunications Challenge, Changing Technologies and Evolving Policies, Committe, 2006
Citizens, consumers and the citizenconsumer: articulating the citizen interest in media and communications regulation
New Communication Technologies, Old Questions (article)
Marco C. Yzer and Brian G. Southwell, 2008
Energyplus v1-1 Ashrae 140 Bestest
Robert H. Henninger and Michael J. Witte, 2003
Electrical Test Equipment for Use by Electricians (Guidance Notes 38)
Health and Safety Executive (HSE), 2004
Electricity at Work: Safe Working Practices (HS(G))
Health and Safety Executive (HSE), 1993
Energy efficient electric motor selection handbook
prepared by Gilbert A. McCoy and John G. Douglass., 1996
A Practical Guide to the Determination of Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Fields : Recommendations of the National Council on Radiation Protection A (NCRP Report No. 119)
National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, 1993
Embedded System Design on a Shoestring: Achieving High Performance with a Limited Budget (Embedded Technology)
Lewin Edwards Lewin Edwards is an embedded engineer with over 15 years experience designing embedded systems hardwarefirmwareand control software., 2003
Embedded System Design on a Shoestring: Achieving High Performance with a Limited Budget (Embedded Technology)
Lewin Edwards Lewin Edwards is an embedded engineer with over 15 years experience designing embedded systems hardwarefirmwareand control software., 2003
Intelligent Robots and Systems
IEEE, RSJ, Germany) GI International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (1994 : Munich, 1995
Open-source robotics and process control cookbook: designing and building robust, dependable real-time systems
Lewin Edwards Lewin Edwards is an embedded engineer with over 15 years experience designing embedded systems hardwarefirmwareand control software., 2005
Open-Source Robotics and Process Control Cookbook: Designing and Building Robust, Dependable Real-time Systems
Lewin Edwards Lewin Edwards is an embedded engineer with over 15 years experience designing embedded systems hardwarefirmwareand control software., 2004
Open-Source Robotics and Process Control Cookbook: Designing and Building Robust, Dependable Real-time Systems
Lewin Edwards Lewin Edwards is an embedded engineer with over 15 years experience designing embedded systems hardwarefirmwareand control software., 2004
Open-Source Robotics and Process Control Cookbook: Designing and Building Robust, Dependable Real-time Systems
Lewin Edwards Lewin Edwards is an embedded engineer with over 15 years experience designing embedded systems hardwarefirmwareand control software., 2004
Open-Source Robotics and Process Control Cookbook: Designing and Building Robust, Dependable Real-time Systems
Lewin Edwards Lewin Edwards is an embedded engineer with over 15 years experience designing embedded systems hardwarefirmwareand control software., 2004
Open-Source Robotics and Process Control Cookbook: Designing and Building Robust, Dependable Real-time Systems
Lewin Edwards Lewin Edwards is an embedded engineer with over 15 years experience designing embedded systems hardwarefirmwareand control software., 2004
Robot ghosts and wired dreams : Japanese science fiction from origins to anime
Christopher Bolton, Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr., and Takayuki Tatsumi, 2007
High-Fidelity Multichannel Audio Coding (Second Edition) (EURASIP Book Series on Signal Processing & Communications)
Chris Kyriakakis, and C.-C. Jay Kuo Dai Tracy Yang, 2006
Communication and Information Theory in Watermarking A Survey
Adrian Sequeira and Deepa Kundur
ULSI Science and Technology 1991
John M. Andrews and George K. Celler (Editors), 1991
Clean Energy, An Exporter’s Guide to India (2008)
Energy and Security Group (Contributors), 2008
Energy Coupling and Molecular Motors
David D. Hackney and Fuyuhiko Tamanoi (Eds.), 2003
Energy Policies Of Iea Countries The Netherlands 2004 Review
Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development, 2004