کتاب های And Mei Cao (editors)

Atlas of European Historiography : The Making of a Profession, 1800-2005
Raphael Lutz, Porciani Ilaria [editors], 2010
The practice of poetry. Writing Exercises from Poets Who Teach
Behn Robin, Chase Twichell (Editors)
Ken Wilson Memorial Volume: Renormalization, Lattice Gauge Theory, The Operator Product Expansion, And Quantum Fields
Belal E. Baaquie, Kerson Huang, Michael E. Peskin, K. K. Phua (editors), 2015
The Palgrave Handbook of Anarchism
Carl Levy, Matthew S. Adams (editors), 2018
Bread illustrated : a step-by-step guide to achieving bakery-quality results at home
The Editors at America's Test Kitchen, 2016
Handbook of Marketing Analytics: Methods and Applications in Marketing Management, Public Policy, and Litigation Support
Natalie Mizik, Dominique M. Hanssens, Editors, 2018
The Mammals of the Southern African Subregion
John D. Skinner, Christian T. Chimimba (editors), 2005
Local Properties at Phase Transitions: Proceedings of the International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi". Course LIX. Varenna on Lake Como, 9th-21st July 1973
K. A. Müller, A. Rigamonti (editors), 1976
Eat Clean, Stay Lean: 300 Real Foods and Recipes for Lifelong Health and Lasting Weight Loss
Editors of Prevention; Wendy Bazilian DRPH MA RD, 2015
Advances in chromatography, volume 55
Nelu Grinberg, Peter W. Carr (editors), 2017
Emotion, Violence, Vengeance and Law in the Middle Ages
Kate Gilbert, Stephen D. White (Editors), 2018
The Art of Nahuatl Speech: The Bancroft Dialogues
Frances Kartunnen, James Lockhart (editors), 1987
Pushing the digital frontier: insights into the changing landscape of e-business
Nirmal Pal, Judith M. Ray (editors), 2001
Michael Allen (author); Michael Allen, Scott R. Swain (editors), 2017
Criticism and Lacan: Essays and Dialogue on Language, Structure, and the Unconscious
Patrick Colm Hogan, Lalita Pandit (Editors), 1990
The America’s Test Kitchen Cooking School Cookbook: Everything You Need to Know to Become a Great Cook
The Editors at America’s Test Kitchen, 2013
Applied therapeutics: the clinical use of drugs
Caroline S. Zeind, Michael G. Carvalho (editors), 2017
String-Math 2016
Amir-Kian Kashani-Poor, Ruben Minasian, Nikita Nekrasov, Boris Pioline, Editors, 2018
Frames and Harmonic Analysis
Yeonhyang Kim, Sivaram K. Narayan, Gabriel Picioroaga, Eric S. Weber, Editors, 2018
Mathematics and Materials
Mark J. Bowick, David Kinderlehrer, Govind Menon, Charles Radin, Editors, 2017
Koda-Kimble and Young’s applied therapeutics: the clinical use of drugs
Brian K. Alldredge, Robin L. Corelli, Michael E. Ernst, B. Joseph Guglielmo, Pamala A. Jacobson, Wayne A. Kradjan, Bradley R. Williams (editors), 2012
Ölümünün 600. yılında Emir Timur ve mirası, Uluslararası Sempozyumu, Bildiriler/Papers
Abdulvahap Kara ve Ömer İşbilir, editors, 2007
Higher Genus Curves in Mathematical Physics and Arithmetic Geometry
Andreas Malmendier, Tony Shaska, Editors, 2018
Representations of Lie Algebras, Quantum Groups and Related Topics
Naihuan Jing, Kailash C. Misra, Editors, 2018