کتاب های Andreas Koch

Bio-inspired polymers
Nico Bruns, Nico Bruns, Andreas F M Kilbinger, Andreas F M Kilbinger, Ben Zhong Tang, Christoph Weder, Christoph Weder, Hans Borner, Laura Hartmann, Jean-Francoise Lutz, Erik Berda, J Herbert Waite, Jorg Tiller, Bruce Lee, Neil Cameron, Geoff Spinks, Wolfgang Meier, Lei Jiang, Silvia Vignolini, Rolf Mulhaupt, Andre Studart, 2016
Controlling und Leadership: Konzepte – Erfahrungen – Entwicklungen
Andreas Gadatsch, Alfred Krupp, Andreas Wiesehahn (eds.), 2017
Core Transformation: Reaching the Wellspring Within
Connirae Andreas, Tamara Andreas, 1994
Core Transformation: Reaching the Wellspring Within
Connirae Andreas, Tamara Andreas
Atlas of Advanced Shoulder Arthroscopy
Andreas B. Imhoff, Jonathan B. Ticker, Augustus D. Mazzocca, Andreas Voss, 2018
Practical Data Science: A Guide to Building the Technology Stack for Turning Data Lakes into Business Assets
Andreas FranГ§ois Vermeulen [Andreas FranГ§ois Vermeulen], 2018
Flora der Gehölze
Andreas Roloff, Andreas Bärtels
Trading Evolved: Anyone can Build Killer Trading Strategies in Python
Clenow, Andreas [Clenow, Andreas], 2019
Römische Werte als Gegenstand der Altertumswissenschaft
Andreas Haltenhoff; Fritz-Heiner Mutschler; Andreas Heil; Barbara Borg; Stefan Rebenich; Johannes Keller; Anne Weis; Susanne Muth; Peter Lebrecht Schmidt; Egon Flaig; Mario Lentano, 2011
Strategien und Konzepte für die Zukunft im Vertrieb
Katzengruber, Werner; Pförtner, Andreas;; Andreas Pförtner, 2017
Basic Phylogenetic Combinatorics
Andreas Dress, Katharina T. Huber, Jacobus Koolen, Vincent Moulton, Andreas Spillner, 2012
Mély, belső átalakulás
Tamara Andreas, Connirae Andreas, 2007
Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns: 19th International Conference, CAIP 2021, Virtual Event, September 28–30, 2021, Proceedings, Part I
Nicolas Tsapatsoulis, Andreas Panayides, Theo Theocharides, Andreas Lanitis, Constantinos Pattichis, Mario Vento, 2021
Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns: 19th International Conference, CAIP 2021, Virtual Event, September 28–30, 2021, Proceedings, Part I
Nicolas Tsapatsoulis, Andreas Panayides, Theo Theocharides, Andreas Lanitis, Constantinos Pattichis, Mario Vento, 2021
Witnesses and Evidence in Ancient Greek Literature
Andreas Markantonatos; Vasileios Liotsakis; Andreas Serafim, 2022
The Rhetoric of Unity and Division in Ancient Literature
Andreas N. Michalopoulos; Andreas Serafim; Flaminia Beneventano della Corte; Alessandro Vatri, 2021
School and Community Interactions: Interface for Political and Civic Education
Prof. Dr. Andreas Brunold, Dr. Bernhard Ohlmeier (auth.), Prof. Dr. Andreas Brunold, Dr. Bernhard Ohlmeier (eds.), 2013
Real World Justice: Grounds, Principles, Human Rights, and Social Institutions
Andreas Follesdal, Thomas Pogge (auth.), Andreas Follesdal, Thomas Pogge (eds.), 2005
Römische Werte und römische Literatur im frühen Prinzipat
Andreas Haltenhoff , Andreas Heil, Fritz-Heiner Mutschler, 2011
Perspektiven der empirischen Alter(n)ssoziologie
Andreas Motel-Klingebiel, Udo Kelle (auth.), Andreas Motel-Klingebiel, Udo Kelle (eds.), 2002
Cartilage Restoration: Practical Clinical Applications
Jack Farr M.D., Andreas H. Gomoll M.D. (auth.), Jack Farr, Andreas H. Gomoll (eds.), 2014
Offene Ordnung?: Philosophie und Soziologie der Situation
Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Andreas Ziemann (auth.), Andreas Ziemann (eds.), 2013
The Art and Science of Compassionate Care: A Practical Guide
Andreas Samoutis, George Samoutis, Neophytos Stylianou, Andreas Anastasiou, Christos Lionis, 2023
Andreas M. Wüst (auth.), Andreas M. Wüst (eds.), 2003