کتاب های Andreas L.

Grundgefühle: Phänomenologie Psychodynamik EEG-Spektralanalytik
Prof. Dr. med. Wielant Machleidt, Priv.-Doz. Dr. Leopold Gutjahr, Dr. med. Andreas Mügge (auth.), 1989
Constrained Optimization and Optimal Control for Partial Differential Equations
Eberhard Bänsch, Peter Benner (auth.), Günter Leugering, Sebastian Engell, Andreas Griewank, Michael Hinze, Rolf Rannacher, Volker Schulz, Michael Ulbrich, Stefan Ulbrich (eds.), 2012
Constrained optimization and optimal control for partial differential equations
Eberhard Bänsch, Peter Benner (auth.), Günter Leugering, Sebastian Engell, Andreas Griewank, Michael Hinze, Rolf Rannacher, Volker Schulz, Michael Ulbrich, Stefan Ulbrich (eds.), 2012
Einfuhrung in die Medizinische Molekularbiologie: Grundlagen Klinik Perspektiven
Prof. med. habil. Matthias W. Hentze, Prof. med. Andreas E. Kulozik Ph.D., Professor. Dr. med. Claus R. Bartram (auth.), 1990
The Challenge of Bible Translation
Glen G. Scorgie, Mark L. Strauss, Steven M. Voth, Kenneth L. Barker, D. A. Carson, Charles H. Cosgrove, Kent Eaton, R. T. France, Andreas J. Kostenberger, DouglasJ. Moo, Moises Silva, James D. Smith III, John H. Stek, Ronald Veenker, Larry L. Walker, Bruce K. Waltke, Walter W. Wessel, HerbertM. Wolf, 2003
Seizure Prediction in Epilepsy: From Basic Mechanisms to Clinical Applications
Björn Schelter, Jens Timmer, Andreas Schulze-Bonhage, 2008
Advanced Physical Models for Silicon Device Simulation
Priv.-Doz. Dr. rer. nat. Andreas Schenk (auth.), 1998
Organic and Pervasive Computing – ARCS 2004: International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems, Augsburg, Germany, March 23-26, 2004. Proceedings
Andreas Maier (auth.), Christian Müller-Schloer, Theo Ungerer, Bernhard Bauer (eds.), 2004
Organic and Pervasive Computing – ARCS 2004: International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems, Augsburg, Germany, March 23-26, 2004. Proceedings
Andreas Maier (auth.), Christian Müller-Schloer, Theo Ungerer, Bernhard Bauer (eds.), 2004
Mobile Networks and Management: Second International ICST Conference, MONAMI 2010, Santander, Spain, September 22-24, 2010, Revised Selected Papers
Amanpreet Singh, Christoph Nass, Andreas Timm-Giel, Peter Schefczik, Horst Roessler (auth.), Kostas Pentikousis, Ramón Agüero, Marta García-Arranz, Symeon Papavassiliou (eds.), 2011
Mobile Networks and Management: Second International ICST Conference, MONAMI 2010, Santander, Spain, September 22-24, 2010, Revised Selected Papers
Amanpreet Singh, Christoph Nass, Andreas Timm-Giel, Peter Schefczik, Horst Roessler (auth.), Kostas Pentikousis, Ramón Agüero, Marta García-Arranz, Symeon Papavassiliou (eds.), 2011
System Analysis and Modeling: 4th International SDL and MSC Workshop, SAM 2004, Ottawa, Canada, June 1-4, 2004, Revised Selected Papers
Andreas Hoffmann, Bertram Neubauer (auth.), Daniel Amyot, Alan W. Williams (eds.), 2005
Ribosome Display and Related Technologies: Methods and Protocols
Andreas Plückthun (auth.), Julie A. Douthwaite, Ronald H. Jackson (eds.), 2012
Ribosome Display and Related Technologies: Methods and Protocols
Andreas Plückthun (auth.), Julie A. Douthwaite, Ronald H. Jackson (eds.), 2012
Berliner Kommentar zum Versicherungsvertragsgesetz: Kommentar zum deutschen und osterreichischen VVG
Professor Dr. jur. Heinrich Honsell, Dr. Horst Baumann, Dr. Roland Beckmann (auth.), Professor Dr. jur. Heinrich Honsell, Dr. Horst Baumann, Dr. Roland Beckmann, Dr. Reinhard Dallmayr, Dr. Heinrich Dörner, Dr. Michael Gruber, Dr. Friedrich Harrer, Dr. Knut Hohlfeld, Dr. Thomas Honsell, Dr. Michael Hübsch, Dr. Andreas Riedler, Dr. Wulf-Henning Roth, Dr. Martin Schauer, Dr. Hans-Peter Schwintowski, Dr. Ansgar Staudinger, Dr. Wolfgang Voit (eds.), 1999
Einführung in die Umwelttechnik: Grundlagen und Anwendungen aus Technik und Recht
Dipl.-Biol., StD. Günter Andres, Prof. Dr. rer. nat., Dipl.-Chem. Marott Bronder, Prof. Dr. rer. nat., Dipl.-Chem. Ralf Eisenmann, Prof. Dr. rer. nat., Dipl.-Phys. Karl-Heinz Folkerts, Dipl.-Ing. Heino Grotehusmann, Dr. rer. nat. Andreas Klein, Dipl.-Volkswirt. OStR. Roland Klitscher, Prof. Dr. rer. nat., Dipl.-Chem. Bertram Philipp, Prof. Dr. Ing. Dipl.-Ing. Michael Reimann, Prof. Dr. rer. nat., Dipl.-Phys. Bernd Schurich, Prof. Dr. Ing. Dipl.-Ing. Ernst Sperling, Dipl.-Chem. Dr. Kurt Wahrheit,, 1994
Security and Privacy in Mobile Information and Communication Systems (LNICST, 47)
Andreas U. Schmidt, Giovanni Russello, Antonio Lioy, Neeli R. Prasad, Shiguo Lian, 2011
Components and Systems: Modular Construction Design, Structure, New Technologies
Gerald Staib, Andreas Dorrhofer, Markus Rosenthal, 2008
Mobile Roboter: Eine Einfuhrung aus Sicht der Informatik
Joachim Hertzberg, Kai Lingemann, Andreas Nüchter (auth.), 2012
Advanced Information Systems Engineering: 11th International Conference, CAiSE"99 Heidelberg, Germany, June 14—18, 1999 Proceedings
Ivar Jacobsen (auth.), Matthias Jarke, Andreas Oberweis (eds.), 1999
Corporate Entrepreneurship: Unternehmerisches Management in etablierten Unternehmen
Andreas Engelen, Monika Engelen, Jan-Thomas Bachmann (auth.), 2015
CT- and MR-Guided Interventions in Radiology
Marcus Katoh, Günther Schneider, Arno Bücker (auth.), Andreas H. Mahnken, Jens Ricke (eds.), 2009
Experimental Hypertension and Therapeutic Progress: Vasodilation and Beyond
Wolfgang Böcker, Detlev Ganten, Martin Paul (auth.), Bernward Garthoff DVM, Andreas M. Knorr Ph.D., Wolf-Dieter Busse Ph.D., Friedel Seuter Ph.D. (eds.), 1995
Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty and Intracoronary Thrombolysis: Coronary Heart Disease IV
A. Grüntzig (auth.), Professor Dr. Martin Kaltenbach, Andreas Roland Grüntzig M.D., Klaus Peter Rentrop M.D., Professor Dr. Wulf-Dirk Bussmann (eds.), 1982