کتاب های Andrew R. Thomas

The Physics of Living Processes: A Mesoscopic Approach
Thomas Andrew Waigh, 2014
Nunn and Lumb's Applied Respiratory Physiology
Andrew B. Lumb MBBSFRCA, Caroline R Thomas, 2020
Housing policy and home ownership
Anne Power; Sidney Jacobs; J. B. Cullingworth; Michael Harloe; Stephen Merrett; Chris Hamnett; Peter Saunders; Ray Forrest; A. E. Holman; Elizabeth Layton; Bruce Headey; Ian C. Winter; Michael Dunn; Andrew D. Thomas; Peter Malpass (editor); John English (editor), 2021
Sámi Media and Indigenous Agency in the Arctic North
Thomas A. DuBois, Coppélie Cocq, Andrew Nestingen, 2020
程序员修炼之道: 从小工到专家
[美] Andrew Hunt; David Thomas, 2011
Neoliberal Cities: The Remaking of Postwar Urban America
Andrew J. Diamond, Thomas J. Sugrue, 2020
The Mfecane Aftermath: Reconstructive Debates in Southern African History
Thomas Dowson, Elizabeth Eldredge, Norman Etherington, Jan-Bart Gewald, Simon Hall, Guy Hartley, Margaret Kinsman, Andrew Manson, John Omer-Cooper, Neil Parsons, Jeff Peires, Christopher Saunders, Alan Webster, John Wright, Dan Wylie, 1995
Cómo hacer comprensibles los datos. Parte 2: Una guía para presentar estadísticas
Comisión Económica para Europa de las Naciones Unidas (UNECE), Petteri Baer, Colleen Blessing, Eileen Capponi, Jerôme Cukier, Kerrie Duff, John Flanders, Colleen Flannery, Jessica Gardner, Martine Grenier, Armin Grossenbacher, David Marder, Kenneth Meyer, Terri Mitton, Eric St. John, Thomas Schulz, Anne-Christine Wanders, Martin Lachance, Andrew Mair, Alan Smith, Steven Vale (autores);Instituto Nacional de Estadística de España (INE), (traductor), 2009
The German Army 1939-45
Nigel Thomas, Stephen Andrew, 1999
Chronicle, Crusade, and the Latin East: Essays in Honour of Susan B. Edgington (Outremer. Studies in the Crusades and the Latin East, 16) (English and Latin Edition)
Andrew Buck (editor), Thomas W Smith (editor), 2022
Towards a History of Egyptology: Proceedings of the Egyptological Section of the 8th Eshs Conference in London, 2018 (Investigatio Orientis)
Hana Navratilova (editor), Thomas L Gertzen (editor), Aidan Dodson (editor), Andrew Bednarski (editor), 2019
Movies in the Age of Obama : The Era of Post-Racial and Neo-Racist Cinema
David Garrett Izzo; Peter C. Grosvenor; Linda Belau; Thomas Britt; Sonya C. Brown; Brian E. Butler; Ed Cameron; Kwakiutl L. Dreher; Rodney M. D. Fierce; Andrew Grossman, 2014