کتاب های Angela D. Levy (editor)

Natural Stone and World Heritage: UNESCO Sites in Germany
Angela Ehling (editor), Friedrich Häfner (editor), Heiner Siedel (editor), 2021
Recent Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy: Proceedings of the CIT 2020 Volume 1 (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 762)
Miguel Botto Tobar (editor), Henry Cruz (editor), Angela Díaz Cadena (editor), 2021
Troubling Traditions: Canonicity, Theatre, and Performance in the US
Lindsey Mantoan (editor), Matthew Moore (editor), Angela Farr Schiller (editor), 2022
Building Regionalism from Below: The Role of Parliaments and Civil Society in Regional Integration in Africa
Angela Meyer (editor), Korwa G. Adar (editor), Giovanni Finizio (editor), 2017
Contemporary Issues in Cultural Heritage Tourism
Jamie Kaminski (editor), Angela M Benson (editor), David Arnold (editor), 2017
Memristor Computing Systems
Leon O. Chua (editor), Ronald Tetzlaff (editor), Angela Slavova (editor), 2022
Conspiracy Theory Discourses
Massimiliano Demata (Editor), Virginia Zorzi (Editor), Angela Zottola (Editor), 2022
Doing Gender - Doing Religion: Fallstudien zur Intersektionalität im frühen Judentum, Christentum und Islam
Ute E. Eisen (editor), Christine Gerber (editor), Angela Standhartinger (editor), 2013
Practical Radiotherapy: Physics and Equipment, 2nd Edition
Cherry, Editor:Pam; Duxbury, Editor:Angela, 2009
The Written Dead: Essays on the Literary Zombie
Kyle William Bishop (editor), Angela Tenga (editor), 2017
Whelan, A: Clinical Skills for Healthcare Assistants and Ass
Angela Whelan (editor), Elaine Hughes (editor), 2016
Competencia textual y complejidad textual: perspectivas transversales entre didáctica y lingüística
Angela Schrott (editor), Bernd Tesch (editor), 2019
Post-Truth, Philosophy and Law
Angela Condello (editor), Tiziana Andina (editor), 2019
Studi Pergolesiani / Pergolesi Studies
Claudio Bacciagaluppi (editor), Angela Fiore (editor), 2015
Deutschbuch Gymnasium 8. Schuljahr. Schülerbuch Rheinland-Pfalz
Gerd Brenner, Ute Fenske, Heinz Gierlich, Cordula Grunow, Alexander Joist, Markus Langner, Angela Mielke, Deborah Mohr, Christoph Oldeweme, Norbert Pabelick, Christoph Schappert, Frank Schneider, Marlene Stahl-Busch, Klaus Tetling, Bernd Schurf (editor), Andrea Wagener (editor), 2014
Post-truth, philosophy and law
Tiziana Andina (editor); Angela Condello (editor), 2019
Re-storying Mediterranean Worlds: New Narratives from Italian Cultures to Global Citizenship
Angela Biancofiore (editor), Clément Barniaudy (editor), 2021
La nostalgia del futuro. Scritti scelti 1948-1989
Luigi Nono, Angela Ida De Benedictis (editor), Veniero Rizzardi (editor), 2007
Thinking Together: Lecturing, Learning, and Difference in the Long Nineteenth Century
Angela G. Ray (editor), Paul Stob (editor), 2018
Art As A Thinking Process: Visual Forms of Knowledge Production
Mara Ambrozic (editor), Angela Vettese (editor), 2013
David Hume on Morals, Politics, and Society
David Hume, Angela Coventry (editor), Andrew Valls (editor), 2018
English Teaching and New Literacies Pedagogy: Interpreting and Authoring Digital Multimedia Narratives (New Literacies and Digital Epistemologies)
Len Unsworth (editor), Angela Thomas (editor), 2014
Political Theology in Medieval and Early Modern Europe: Discourses, Rites, and Representations (Medieval and Early Modern Political Theology) (Medieval and Early Modern Political Theology, 1)
Monserrat Herrero (editor), Angela Concetta Miceli Stout (editor), 2017
The Oxford Handbook of Public Heritage Theory and Practice (Oxford Handbooks)
Angela M. Labrador (editor), Neil Asher Silberman (editor), 2018