کتاب های Angela T Mak

Human Communication
Judy C. Pearson; Scott Titsworth; Angela Hosek; Paul E. Nelson, 2016
Les trois jours de Pompéi
Alberto Angela, 2017
Treacherous Texts: An Anthology of U.S. Suffrage Literature, 1846-1946
Mary Chapman; Angela Mills, 2011
A Journey Into Michelangelo’s Rome
Angela K. Nickerson, 2007
Menschen. Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Arbeitsbuch (A2)
Anna Breitsameter, Sabine Glas-Peters, Angela Pude
Menschen. Deutsch als Fremdsprache Kursbuch (A2)
Charlotte Habersack, Angela Pude, Franz Specht
Putin’s World: Russia Against the West and with the Rest
Angela Stent, 2019
The Sadeian Woman
Angela Carter
Autobiografia: Angela Davis
Angela Davis, 2016
Mothers Accused and Abused: Addressing Complex Psychological Needs
Angela Foster, 2018
Why Democracy Needs Public Goods
Angela Kallhoff, 2011
The Mathematical Corporation: Where Machine Intelligence and Human Ingenuity Achieve the Impossible
Josh Sullivan, Angela Zutavern, 6 Jun 2017
A invenção do trabalhismo
Angela de Castro Gomes, 2005
Getulismo e Trabalhismo
Angela de Castro Gomes & Maria Celina D’Araújo, 1989
Black Mirror and Critical Media Theory
Angela M Cirucci; Barry Vacker; Michael Mario Albrecht; Osei Alleyne; Francois Allard-Huver; Fernando Gabriel Pagnoni Berns; Derek R. Blackwell; Sarah J. Constant; Mathieu d’Aquin; Eleanor Drage; Julie Escurignan; Erin Espelie; Antoine Faure; Matthew Flisfeder; Julia M. Hildebrand; Manel Jiménez-Morales; Hillary A. Jones; Morten Stinus Kristensen; Diana Leon-Boys; Marta Lopera-Mármol; Romin Rajan; Carlos A. Scolari; Erika M. Thomas; Pinelopi Troullinou; Macarena Urzúa Opazo, 2018
Chemistry 2: VCE units 3 & 4
Stokes, Robert; Stubbs, Angela; Taylor, Neale, 2016
Steel Drums and Steelbands: A History
Angela Smith, 2012
Pompeji: Die größte Tragödie der Antike
Alberto Angela, 2016
Designing with natural materials
Morris, Angela; Ormondroyd, Graham Alan, 2019
CBT for Children and Adolescents with High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders
Angela Scarpa, Susan Williams White, Tony Attwood (eds.), 2013
Modern introduction to classical mechanics & control
David N. Burghes, Angela M. Downs, 1975
Crossroads, Directions, and A New Critical Race Theory
Francisco Valdes; Jerome Mccristal Culp; Angela P. Harris, 2002