کتاب های Anna De Fina

Henry James and the Supernatural
Anna Despotopoulou, Kimberly C. Reed (eds.), 2011
Post-Industrial Landscape Scars
Anna Storm (auth.), 2014
Justice and Peace in a Renewed Caribbean: Contemporary Catholic Reflections
Anna Kasafi Perkins, Donald Chambers, Jacqueline Porter (eds.), 2012
European Bank Restructuring During the Global Financial Crisis
Małgorzata Iwanicz-Drozdowska, Jakub Kerlin, Anna Kozłowska, Elżbieta Malinowska-Misiąg, Agnieszka Nowak, Paweł Smaga, Piotr Wisniewski, Bartosz Witkowski (auth.), 2016
Youth, Arts, and Education: Reassembling Subjectivity through Affect
Anna Hickey-Moody, 2012
Como se faz literatura
Affonso Romano de Sant’Anna, 2016
Scrappy Little Nobody
Anna Kendrick, 2016
Breve storia dell’intelligenza
Anna T. Cianciolo, Robert J. Sternberg, 2004
Anna Komnena, 1972
Anna Komnena, 1969
Honecker’s Children : Youth and Patriotism in East(ern) Germany, 1979-2002
Anna Saunders, 2007
Culture and Styles of Academic Discourse
Anna Duszak, 1997
Climate Change Adaptation and Social Resilience in the Sundarbans
O’Donnell, Anna, 2015
Fundamentos de Neurociencia
Carles Soriano Mas, Gemma Guillazo Blanch, Diego Antonio Redolar Ripoll, Meritxell Torras Garcia, Anna Vale Martinez, 2007
The International Strindberg: New Critical Essays
Anna Westerståhl Stenport, 2012
Arbeitsbuch der Angewandten Statistik Mit Aufgaben zur Software R und detaillierten Lösungen
Philipp Otto, Anna-Liesa Lange, 2017
Percutaneous Treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases in Women
Patrizia Presbitero, Julinda Mehilli, Anna Sonia Petronio (eds.), 2017
Designing and Managing Industrial Product-Service Systems
Petri Helo, Angappa Gunasekaran, Anna Rymaszewska (auth.), 2017
You’re Wrong, I’m Right: Dueling Authors Reexamine Classic Teachings in Anesthesia
Corey S. Scher, Anna Clebone, Sanford M. Miller, J. David Roccaforte, Levon M. Capan (eds.), 2017
Respiratory Outcomes in Preterm Infants: From Infancy through Adulthood
Anna Maria Hibbs, Marianne S. Muhlebach (eds.), 2017
Bertolt Brecht und Dario Fo: Wege des epischen Theaters
Anna Russo (auth.), 1998
Handbuch Gerechtigkeit
Anna Goppel, Corinna Mieth, Christian Neuhäuser (eds.), 2016
Kindler Kompakt Philosophie der Antike
Anna Schriefl (auth.), 2016