کتاب های Anna Dybo

Modern Italian Grammar: A Practical Guide
Anna Proudfoot, Francesco Cardo, 2013
"Per amor di poesia (o di versi)". Seminario su Giorgio Caproni
Anna Dolfi, 2018
末日松茸: 資本主義廢墟世界中的生活可能
安娜·羅文豪普特·秦; Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing, 2018
Introduction to Wireless Sensor Networks
Anna Forster, 2016
Vangelo, trasmissione, verità
Agnès Bastit-Kalinowska, Anna Carfora, 2013
Doodling in French: How to Draw with Joie de Vivre
Anna Corba, 2013
Corpus Approaches to Discourse: A Critical Review
Charlotte Taylor; Anna Marchi, 2018
One Who Knows Me: Friendship and Literary Culture in Mid-Tang China
Anna M. Shields, 2015
Crafting a Collection: The Cultural Contexts and Poetic Practice of the Huajian Ji
Anna M. Shields, 2006
Jak szybko nauczyć się mówić po angielsku
Anna Piekarczyk, 2009
Angielskie czasy
Anna Horochowik, 2008
Viver nas ruínas: paisagens multiespécies no antropoceno
Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing, 2019
Micromega Physique-Chimie Tle S enseignement spécifique éd. 2012 - Manuel de l'élève format compact
Stanislas Antczak, Christophe Encrenaz, Ghislain Garcia, Myrtille Gardet, Claudine Grasset, Michel Peiron, Sarah Roques, Mélanie Roux, Claude Tournus, Anna Venancio Marques Serra, Jean-François Le Marechal, Estelle Barbe, Romain Barbe, Pascal Bottos, Karine Braganti, Laure-Lise Chapellet, Patrick Charmont, Thierry Coince, 2012
Arsipelago: Kerja Arsip & Pengarsipan Seni Budaya di Indonesia
Anna Mariana, dkk; Farah Wardani (ed.); Yoshi Fajar Kresno Murti (ed.), 2014
Dinner at the Long Table
Andrew Tarlow ; Anna Dunn, 2016
World's Wackiest Animals
Lonely Planet Kids; Anna Poon, 2020
Rulers of America: A Study of Finance Capital
Anna Rochester, 1939
Gramatyka co z głowy nie umyka (rekromsated)
Anna i Józef Częścikowie, 2006
Reproducing Refugees: Photographìa of a Crisis
Anna Carastathis, Myrto Tsilimpounidi, 2020
Gramatyka co z głowy nie umyka
Anna i Józef Częścikowie, 2006
Richards Anna, 2017
The Environment in the Age of the Internet. Activists, Communication and the Digital Landscape
Heike Graf (ed.), Coppélie Cocq, Madeleine Hurd, Virginia Melián, Anna Roosvall, Matthew Tegelberg, Steffen Werther, 2016
Polski dla cudzoziemców (rekromsated)
Anna Dąbrowska, Romana Łobodzińska, 1995
Social Archaeologies of Trade and Exchange
Bauer, Alexander A,Agbe-Davies, Anna S (editor)