کتاب های Anna Zapp

Meaning and Universal Grammar: Theory and Empirical Findings, Volume 1
Cliff Goddard, Anna Wierzbicka, 2002
Pragmatism as a way of life : the lasting legacy of William James and John Dewey
Hilary Putnam, Ruth Anna Putnam, David MacArthur (ed.), 2017
The First World War and the End of the Habsburg Monarchy, 1914-1918
Manfried Rauchensteiner, Alex J Kay, Anna Güttel-Bellert, 2015
Routledge Handbook of Immigration and Refugee Studies
Anna Triandafyllidou (ed.), 2016
The Girl in the Show: Three Generations of Comedy, Culture, and Feminism
Anna Fields, 2018
My Son, The Killer: The Untold Story of Luka Magnotta and "1 Lunatic 1 Ice Pick"
Brian Whitney, Anna Yourkin, 2018
A Game Design Vocabulary: Exploring the Foundational Principles Behind Good Game Design
Naomi Clark & Anna Anthropy [Naomi Clark], 2014
Il ritratto. Archeologia classica
Riccomini, Anna Maria, 2015
Cittadinanze nazionali e appartenenze culturali
Silvia Gattino, Anna Miglietta, 2010
Knowledge Governance: Reasserting the Public Interest
Leonardo Burlamaqui, Anna Célia Castro, Rainer Kattel, Richard Nelson, 2012
Polymer Engineering
Bartosz Tylkowski; Karolina Wieszczycka; Renata Jastrzab; Adrianna Nogalska; Anna Trojanowska; Ricard Garcia-Valls; Magda Constanti; Llorenc Gavila; Edgar Guell; Biniam T Maru; Francesc Medina; Tomasz Runka; Martyna Nowak; Lukasz Marciniak; Maciej Staszak; Justyna Walkowiak-Kulikowska; Joanna Wolska; Henryk Koroniak; Irene Tsibranska; Susana Fernandez Prieto; Monissa Paderes; Deepak Ahirwal; Marta Giamberini; Pierfrancesco Cerruti; Valentina Marturano; Veronica Ambrogi; Raffaele Conte; Ilenia de, 2017
A Monetary History of the United States, 1867-1960
Milton Friedman; Anna Jacobson Schwartz, 1971
Il leone e il cacciatore. Storia dell’Africa sub-sahariana
Anna Maria Gentili, 2014
Menschen A 2.1. Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Arbeitsbuch
Anna Breitsameter, Sabine Glas-Peters, Angela Pude, 2013
Trzydziestolecie 1914-1944
Anna Nasilowska, 1995
Blood and Soil: Walther Darré and Hitler’s Green Party
Anna Bramwell, 1985
Upper-Voice Structures and Compositional Process in the Ars Nova Motet
Anna Zayaruznaya, 2018
Women Through Anti-Proverbs
Anna T. Litovkina, 2018
The Headscarf Debates
Anna C. Korteweg and Gökçe Yurdakul, 2016
A Syntactic Study of Idioms: Psychological States in English and Their Constraints
Anna Dąbrowska, 2018
Broken: An Introduction to the Creole Language of Torres Strait
Anna Shnukal, 1992, 1988
Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine
Ian Wilkinson, Tim Raine, Kate Wiles, Anna Goodhart, Catriona Hall, Harriet O’Neill, 2017