کتاب های Anne Alexander

Alexander Hamilton
Hamilton, Alexander; Hamilton, Alexander (Politiker); Hamilton, Alexander; Chernow, Ron, 2004
Alexander the Great : themes and issues
the Great Alexander; the Great Alexander, Makedonien König Alexander III; Anson, Edward, 2013
Data Mining and Knowledge Management: Chinese Academy of Sciences Symposium CASDMKM 2004, Beijing, China, July 12-14, 2004. Revised Papers
Alexander V. Lotov, Alexander A. Kistanov, Alexander D. Zaitsev (auth.), Yong Shi, Weixuan Xu, Zhengxin Chen (eds.), 2005
Data Mining and Knowledge Management: Chinese Academy of Sciences Symposium CASDMKM 2004, Beijing, China, July 12-14, 2004. Revised Papers
Alexander V. Lotov, Alexander A. Kistanov, Alexander D. Zaitsev (auth.), Yong Shi, Weixuan Xu, Zhengxin Chen (eds.), 2005
Data Mining and Knowledge Management: Chinese Academy of Sciences Symposium CASDMKM 2004, Beijing, China, July 12-14, 2004. Revised Papers
Alexander V. Lotov, Alexander A. Kistanov, Alexander D. Zaitsev (auth.), Yong Shi, Weixuan Xu, Zhengxin Chen (eds.), 2005
Data Mining and Knowledge Management: Chinese Academy of Sciences Symposium CASDMKM 2004, Beijing, China, July 12-14, 2004. Revised Papers
Alexander V. Lotov, Alexander A. Kistanov, Alexander D. Zaitsev (auth.), Yong Shi, Weixuan Xu, Zhengxin Chen (eds.), 2005
Concise Encyclopedia of Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis. History, Theory, Technology, and Products
Inna P. Borovinskaya, Alexander A. Gromov, Evgeny A. Levashov, Yuri M. Maksimov, Alexander S. Mukasyan and Alexander S. Rogachev (Eds.), 2017
Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science
Alexander Golovnev, Alexander S. Kulikov, Vladimir V. Podolskii, Alexander Shen, 2022
Cisco CallManager Fundamentals
John Alexander, Chris Pearce, Anne Smith, Delon Whetten, 2005
Bread, Freedom, Social Justice: Workers and the Egyptian Revolution
Anne Alexander, 2014
Image Analysis for Moving Organ, Breast, and Thoracic Images
Danail Stoyanov, Zeike Taylor, Bernhard Kainz, Gabriel Maicas, Reinhard R. Beichel, Anne Martel, Lena Maier-Hein, Kanwal Bhatia, Tom Vercauteren, Ozan Oktay, Gustavo Carneiro, Andrew P. Bradley, Jacinto Nascimento, Hang Min, Matthew S. Brown, Colin Jacobs, Bianca Lassen-Schmidt, Kensaku Mori, Jens Petersen, Raúl San José Estépar, Alexander Schmidt-Richberg, Catarina Veiga, 2018
Fundamente der Mathematik 7. Schuljahr - Rheinland-Pfalz - Schülerbuch
Kathrin Andreae, Nina Ankenbrand, Frank G. Becker, Ralf Benölken, Anne-Kristina Durstewitz, Daniela Eberhard, Wolfram Eid, Lothar Flade, Anneke Haunert, Gerhard Hillers, Brigitta Krumm, Hubert Langlotz, Thorsten Niemann, Andreas Pallack, Mathias Prigge, Manfred Pruzina, Melanie Quante, Ulrich Rasbach, Nadeshda Rempel, Wolfgang Ringkowski, Anna-Kristin Rose, Jürgen Stein, Malte Stemmann, Christian Theuner, Alexander Uhlisch, Jonas Vogl, Christian Wahle, Anja Widmaier, Florian Winterstein, Sandra, 2018
International Financial Report Analysis
David Alexander, Anne Britton, Ann Jorissen, 2020
Combinatorial Aspect of Integrable Systems
Arkady Berenstein, David Kazhdan, Cédric Lecouvey, Masato Okado, Anne Schilling, Taichiro Takagi, Alexander Veselov, 2007
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Logical Verification
Anne Baanen, Alexander Bentkamp, Jasmin Blanchette, Johannes Hölzl, Jannis Limperg, 2021
Literary Lists: A Short History of Form and Function
Roman Alexander Barton, Eva von Contzen, Anne Rüggemeier, 2023
The Federalist
Alexander Hamilton, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay, J. R. Pole, 2005
Computational Studies, Nanotechnology, and Solution Thermodynamics of Polymer Systems
W. Alexander Van Hook (auth.), M. D. Dadmun, W. Alexander Van Hook, Donald W. Noid, Yuri B. Melnichenko, Bobby G. Sumpter (eds.), 2002
Atmospheric Boundary Layers: Nature, Theory and Applications to Environmental Modelling and Security
Alexander Baklanov, Branko Grisogono (auth.), Alexander Baklanov, Branko Grisogono (eds.), 2007
Behavioral Neurobiology of the Endocannabinoid System
Stephen P. H. Alexander, David A. Kendall (auth.), Dave Kendall, Stephen Alexander (eds.), 2009
Dynamical Systems: Proceedings of the Special Year held at the University of Maryland, College Park, 1986–87
J. C. Alexander, William Parry (auth.), James C. Alexander (eds.), 1988
Dynamics and Control of Hybrid Mechanical Systems
Gennady Leonov, Gennady Leonov, Henk Nijmeijer, Alexander Pogromsky, Alexander Fradkov, 2010
Bispectral methods of signal processing : applications in radar, telecommunications and digital image restoration
Kravchenko, Viktor F.; Totsky, Alexander V.; Zelensky, Alexander A., 2015
Bosonization and strongly correlated systems
Alexander O. Gogolin, Alexander A. Nersesyan, Alexei M. Tsvelik, 1998