کتاب های Anne Zajac

Public Choice Essays in Honor of a Maverick Scholar: Gordon Tullock
Price Fishback, Gary Libecap, Edward Zajac (auth.), Price Fishback, Gary Libecap, Edward Zajac (eds.), 2000
Veterinary Clinical Parasitology
Anne M. Zajac, Gary A. Conboy, 2012
Veterinary Clinical Parasitology
Anne M. Zajac, Gary A. Conboy, Susan E. Little, Mason V. Reichard, 2021
Veterinary Clinical Parasitology 9th Edition
Anne Zajac , Gary Conboy ,Dont trust him , Susan Little , Mason Reichard, 2021
Principles of Diabetes Mellitus
Jacek Zajac, Anil Shrestha M.D., Parini Patel M.D., Leonid Poretsky M.D. (auth.), Leonid Poretsky (eds.), 2010
Principles of Diabetes Mellitus
Jacek Zajac, Anil Shrestha, Leonid Poretsky (auth.), Leonid Poretsky M.D. (eds.), 2004
Activities of Transport Telematics: 13th International Conference on Transport Systems Telematics, TST 2013, Katowice-Ustroń, Poland, October 23–26, 2013, Selected Papers
Grzegorz Andrzejewski, Wojciech Zając (auth.), Jerzy Mikulski (eds.), 2013
Evaluation Method of Energy Consumption in Logistic Warehouse Systems
Pawel Zajac (auth.), 2015
The Energy Consumption in Refrigerated Warehouses
Pawel Zajac (auth.), 2016
Political Economy of Fairness
Edward E. Zajac, 1996
Poland's Security Policy: The West, Russia, and the Changing International Order
Justyna Zając (auth.), 2016
Zarys metod statystycznych
Kazimierz Zając, 1988
Evaluation and management of cleft lip and palate: a developmental perspective
David J. Zajac, Linda D. Vallino, 2017
The Method of Interpretation of Penal Norms in the International Context
Dominik Zając, 2019
One Hundred Years of Slovak Literature: An Anthology
Stanislava Chrobakova, Marian Andriik, Vladimir Galis, Marina Galisova, Pavol Lukac, Martin Solotruk, Viera Sutherland-Smith, and James Sutherland-Smith, L’uben Urbanek, Stanislava Chrobakova, Peter Zajac, Ivan Krasko, Milo Urban, Jan Smrek, Ivan Horvath, Masa Halamova, Valentin Beniak, Jozef Ciger Hronsky, Ladislav Novomesky, Janko Silan, Dobroslav Chrobak, Frantisek Svantner, Rudolf Fabry, Stefan Zary, Jan Cerven, Jan Kostra, Dominik Tatarka, Leopold Lahola, Vojtech Mihalik, Alfonz Bednar, Mil, 2000
The Crusades and Their Sources: Essays Presented to Bernard Hamilton
John France, William G. Zajac (eds.), 2016
The Tailor of Inverness
Matthew Zajac, 2014
Teorie i podejścia badawcze w nauce o stosunkach międzynarodowych
Ryszard Zięba, Stanisław Bieleń, Justyna Zając (red.), 2015
Saga rodziny Miterów z krakowskiego Podgórza
Mieczysław Zając, 2003
Imiona anomii. Literatura wobec doświadczenia stanu wyjątkowego
Piotr Sadzik (red.); Agata Bielik-Robson; Wojciech Michera; Łukasz Musiał; Michał Dudek; Adam Lipszyc; Antoni Zając; Tomasz Wójcik; Hanna Gosk; Zbigniew Jazienicki; Przemysław Czapliński; Łukasz Żurek; Michał Krzykawski, 2019
What Good Is the Big Bad Wolf?
Linda Zajac, 2018