کتاب های Antonia Chen

The Gunpowder Plot: Terror and Faith in 1605
Antonia Fraser [Fraser, Antonia], 2010
Homenatge a Sebastià Serrano
Antònia Martí,Mariona Taulé (coords.), Dídac Ramírez i Sarrió, Adolfo Sotelo Vázquez, Itziar Aduriz, Josep del Rio, Santiago Alcoba, Joan Argenter, Albert Bastardas,Eduard Bonet, Irene Castellón, Marina Lloberes, Montserrat Marimon, Faustino Diéguez-Vide, Xaxier Laborda, Coloma Lleal, Ángel López, Antònia Martí, Mariona Taulé, Eugenio Martínez, Ana Fernández-Planas, Lourdes Romera, Valeria Salcioli, Josefina Carrera-Sabaté, Juan Carlos Moreno, Joana Rosselló, Liliana Tolchinsky, Carme Junyen, 2014
Statistical Reasoning for Surgeons
Mitchell G. Maltenfort, Camilo Restrepo, Antonia F. Chen, 2020
Statistical Reasoning for Surgeons
Mitchell G. Maltenfort, Camilo Restrepo, Antonia F. Chen, 2021
Little Ortho Book : the Bare Bones of Orthopedics.
Antonia Chen, 2015
Management of Orthopaedic Infections: A Practical Guide
Antonia Chen, 2021
Albania (World Bibliographical Series)
Antonia Young, John Hodgson, Nigel Young, William B. Bland, 1997
Abstract State Machines 2003: Advances in Theory and Practice 10th International Workshop, ASM 2003 Taormina, Italy, March 3–7, 2003 Proceedings
Antonia Bertolino (auth.), Egon Börger, Angelo Gargantini, Elvinia Riccobene (eds.), 2003
Abstract State Machines 2003: Advances in Theory and Practice 10th International Workshop, ASM 2003 Taormina, Italy, March 3–7, 2003 Proceedings
Antonia Bertolino (auth.), Egon Börger, Angelo Gargantini, Elvinia Riccobene (eds.), 2003
Battlegrounds and Crossroads: Social and Imaginary Space in Writings by Chicanas
Maria Antònia Oliver-Rotger, 2003
Clinical Proteomics: Methods and Protocols
Antonia Vlahou, Manousos Makridakis (eds.), 2015
Absolute Constructions in Early Indo-European
Antonia Ruppel, 2013
Thomas Fox, Antonia Brooke, Ijay Vaidya, 2015
24 worked engineering drawing examples : volume one
Jones, Antonia Jane, 1965
Advances in Waveform-Agile Sensing for Tracking
Sandeep Prasad Sira, Antonia Papanreou-Suppappola, Darryl Morrell, 2008
Soybean and Wheat Crops: Growth, Fertilization, and Yield (Agriculture Issues and Policies Series)
Samuel Davies, George Evans, Antonia Elenir A. Oliveira, Katia V. S. Fernandes, Amanda J. Souza, Patricia O. Santos, N. Katerji, 2009
Metadata and Semantics Research: 6th Research Conference, MTSR 2012, Cádiz, Spain, November 28-30, 2012. Proceedings
Joaquín Borrego-Díaz, Antonia M. Chávez-González, Mónica A. Martín-Pérez (auth.), Juan Manuel Dodero, Manuel Palomo-Duarte, Pythagoras Karampiperis (eds.), 2012
Advances in Enterprise Engineering VI: Second Enterprise Engineering Working Conference, EEWC 2012, Delft, The Netherlands, May 7-8, 2012. Proceedings
Martin Op ’t Land, João Pombinho (auth.), Antonia Albani, David Aveiro, Joseph Barjis (eds.), 2012
Retinal Vascular Disease
Desmond B. Archer FRCS, FRCSOph, Tom A. Gardiner PhD, Alan W. Stitt PhD (auth.), Antonia M. Joussen MD, PhD, Thomas W. Gardner MD, MS, Bernd Kirchhof MD, Stephen J. Ryan MD (eds.), 2007
Advances in Enterprise Engineering I: 4th International Workshop CIAO! and 4th International Workshop EOMAS, held at CAiSE 2008, Montpellier, France, June ... Notes in Business Information Processing)
Jan L.G. Dietz, Antonia Albani, Joseph Barjis, 2008
Advances in Enterprise Engineering I: 4th International Workshop CIAO! and 4th International Workshop EOMAS, held at CAiSE 2008, Montpellier, France, June 16-17, 2008. Proceedings
Jan L. G. Dietz (auth.), Jan L. G. Dietz, Antonia Albani, Joseph Barjis (eds.), 2008
Advances in Enterprise Engineering III: 5th International Workshop, CIAO! 2009, and 5th International Workshop, EOMAS 2009, held at CAiSE 2009, Amsterdam, ... Notes in Business Information Processing)
Antonia Albani, Joseph Barjis, Jan L.G. Dietz, 2009
Advances in Enterprise Engineering III: 5th International Workshop, CIAO! 2009, and 5th International Workshop, EOMAS 2009, held at CAiSE 2009, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 8-9, 2009. Proceedings
Robert Winter, Anke Gericke, Tobias Bucher (auth.), Antonia Albani, Joseph Barjis, Jan L. G. Dietz (eds.), 2009