کتاب های Antonio Masi (editor)

Diario di clandestinità e altri scritti in tempo di guerra (1943-1945)
Antonio Barolini, S. Barolini (editor), T. Barolini (editor), 2019
Der soziale Rechtsstaat: Gedächtnisschrift für Hermann Heller, 1891-1933
Christoph Müller (Editor); Ilse Staff (Editor); Wolfgang Abendroth; Stephan Albrecht; Angelo Bolaffi; Fritz Borinski; Jürgen Fijalkowski; Ernesto Garzon Valdés; Gerhard Haney; Eike Hennig; Volker Hentschel; Andreas Kaiser; Ellen Kennedy; Josef Kühne; Norbert Leser; Antonio Lopez Pina; Eberhard Lämmert; Wolfgang Luthardt; Ingeborg Maus; Jürgen Meinck; Klaus Meyer; Pasquale Pasquino; Stanley L. Paulson; Ulrich Penski; Pier Paolo Portinaro; Ingo Richter; Gerhard Robbers; Dian Schefold; Wolfga, 1984
Russia e Cina nel mondo globale. Due potenze fra dinamiche interne e internazionali
Stefano Bianchini (editor), Antonio Fiori (editor), 2018
Networks of Networks The Last Frontier of Complexity
Gregorio D'Agostino (Editor), Antonio Scala (Editor), 2014
Lectura y dificultades lectoras en el siglo XXI
Antonio Díez Mediavilla (editor), Raúl Gutiérrez Fresneda (editor), 2020
Dal basso in alto (e ritorno...). Nuovi approcci bottom-up: psicoterapia cognitiva, corpo, EMDR
Cecilia La Rosa (editor), Antonio Onofri (editor), 2017
La creatividad en el lenguaje : colocaciones idiomáticas y fraseología
Antonio Pamies Bertrán (editor); Juan de Dios Luque Durán (editor), 2005
Open-Air Rock-Art Conservation and Management: State of the Art and Future Perspectives
Timothy Darvill (editor), Antonio Pedro Batarda Fernandes (editor), 2014
Optimization in Polymer Processing
Antonia Gaspar-cunha (editor), Jose Antonio Covas (editor), 2011
Antonio Gramsci: Selections From Cultural Writings
Antonio Gramsci; David Forgacs (editor); Geoffrey Nowell-Smith (editor); William Boelhower, 1985
Teorie dell'immagine. Il dibattito contemporaneo
Andrea Pinotti (editor), Antonio Somaini (editor), 2008
Peruanismo en Burdeos : Homenaje a Manuel González Prada y Bernard Lavallé : Selección del IX Congreso Internacional de Peruanistas en el Extranjero : Recherches sur le Pérou
José Antonio Mazzotti Ramos (editor); Isabelle Tauzin (editor), 2020
New Perspectives on Endangered Languages: Bridging gaps between sociolinguistics, documentation and language revitalization: 1
José Antonio Flores Farfán (editor), Fernando F. Ramallo (editor)
Contemporary Writing and the Politics of Space: Borders, Networks, Escape Lines
David Walton (editor), Juan Antonio Suárez (editor), 2017
A Critical Companion to Tim Burton
Adam Barkman (editor), Antonio Sanna (editor), 2017
American Identity in the Age of Obama
Amílcar Antonio Barreto (editor), Richard L. O’Bryant (editor), 2014
Postmodern Materialism and the Future of Marxist Theory: Essays in the Althusserian Tradition
Antonio Callari (editor), David F. Ruccio (editor), 1995
Subaltern Social Groups: A Critical Edition of Prison Notebook 25
Antonio Gramsci, Buttigieg, Joseph A. (editor), Green, Marcus E. (editor), 2021
Ethics and Metaphysics in the Philosophy of Edith Stein: Applications and Implications (Women in the History of Philosophy and Sciences, 12)
Michael F. Andrews (editor), Antonio Calcagno (editor), 2022
Lovecraft in the 21st Century: Dead, But Still Dreaming
Antonio Alcala Gonzalez (editor), Carl H. Sederholm (editor), 2021
Il giocatore
Fëdor Dostoevskij, Alfredo Polledro (editor), Antonio Pennacchi (editor), 2016
Primavera a Trieste. Ricordi del '45
Pier Antonio Quarantotti Gambini, Claudio Magris (editor), Elvio Guagnini (editor), 2018
Sud e magia
Ernesto De Martino, Fabio Dei (editor), Antonio Fanelli (editor), 2015
C. Sallusti Crispi Historiae: I: Fragmenta 1.1-146
Antonio La Penna (editor), Rodolfo Funari (editor), 2015