کتاب های Asim Ghosh

Bayesian Nonparametrics
J.K. Ghosh, R.V. Ramamoorthi, 2003
Bayesian Nonparametrics
J.K. Ghosh, R.V. Ramamoorthi, 2003
Bayesian Nonparametrics
J.K. Ghosh, R.V. Ramamoorthi, 2003
Cardiopulmonary Bypass (Cambridge Clinical Guides)
Sunit Ghosh, Florian Falter, David J. Cook, 2009
Automated EEG-Based Diagnosis of Neurological Disorders: Inventing the Future of Neurology
Hojjat Adeli, Samanwoy Ghosh-Dastidar, 2010
Environmental hydrology and hydraulics : eco-technological practices for sustainable development
Some Nath Ghosh; Venkappayya Rangappayya Desai, . 2006
Hidden Heroes: America's Military Caregivers
Rajeev Ramchand, Terri Tanielian, Michael P. Fisher, Christine Anne Vaughan, Thomas E. Trail, Caroline Epley, Phoenix Voorhies, Michael William Robbins, Eric Robinson, Bonnie Ghosh-Dastidar, 2014
Practical Design of Steel Structures
Karuna Moy Ghosh, 2010
Steel Structures - Analysis and Design for Vibrations and Earthquakes
Ghosh, Karuna Moy, 2011
Algorithm design for networked information technology systems
Sumit Ghosh, C.V. Ramamoorthy, 2004
Algorithm Design For Networked Information Technology Systems
Sumit Ghosh, C.V. Ramamoorthy, 2004
Algorithm Design for Networked Information Technology Systems
Sumit Ghosh, C.V. Ramamoorthy, 2003
Advances in Evolutionary Computing: Theory and Applications
Ashish Ghosh, Shigeyoshi Tsutsui (eds.), 2003
Inverse Problems and Inverse Scattering of Plane Waves
D. N. Ghosh Roy, L. S. Couchman, 2001
Advances in Biochemical Engineering-Biotechnology: Biotechnics/ Wastewater
Fiechter A. (ed.), Ghosh P., Hasegawa S., 1993
Principles of Bioseparations Engineering
Raja Ghosh, 2006
Multiple Classifier Systems: Third International Workshop, MCS 2002 Cagliari, Italy, June 24–26, 2002 Proceedings
Joydeep Ghosh (auth.), Fabio Roli, Josef Kittler (eds.), 2002
Seismic Design Using Structural Dynamics (2000 IBC)
Santi Kumar Ghosh, 2003
Power Electronic Systems: Walsh Analysis with MATLAB®
Anish Deb, Suchismita Ghosh, 2014
Database Security XII: Status and Prospects
Anup K. Ghosh (auth.), Sushil Jajodia (eds.), 1999
Structural Geology: Fundamentals and Modern Developments
Ghosh, S.K., 2013
Topics in Igneous Petrology
Jaroslav Dostal, J. Duncan Keppie, J. Brendan Murphy, Nicholas W. D. Massey (auth.), Jyotisankar Ray, Gautam Sen, Biswajit Ghosh (eds.), 2011
Seismic and Wind Design of Concrete Buildings:
S. K. Ghosh, David A. Fanella, 2003