کتاب های Attard

Gary Attard, 1998
Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics
Phil Attard (Auth.)
The IMLI Manual on International Maritime Law Volume III: Marine Environmental Law and Maritime Security Law
Attard, David Joseph et al. (eds.), 2016
The IMLI Manual on International Maritime Law Volume II: Shipping Law
Attard, David Joseph et al. (eds.), 2014,2016
Modern CSS
Ahmed Bouchefra & David Attard & Tiffany B Brown & Claudio Ribeiro & Ilya Bodrov-Krukowski & Craig Buckler [Ahmed Bouchefra], 2018
A Developer’s Guide to Ethereum
Chris Ward & Tonino Jankov & Mislav Javor & David Attard & Mateja Kendel & Bruno Skvorc [Chris Ward], 2018
La cuisine moleculaire
Attard, Julien; Cazor, Anne, 2010
Police Misconduct Complaint Investigations Manual
Barbara Attard, Kathryn Olson, 2020
Learn Bootstrap: The Collection: A Three Volume Set
Maria Antonietta Perna, Syed Fazle Rahman, Ilya Bodrov-Krukowski, Ahmed Bouchefra, Craig Watson, Rhiana Heath, Ivaylo Gerchev, George Martsoukos, Ashraff Hathibelagal, Manjunath M, Zeeshan Chawdhary, David Attard, Callum Hopkins, Reggie Dawson, 2018
Technology-enabled Mathematics Education: Optimising Student Engagement
Catherine Attard, Kathryn Holmes, 2019
Quantum Statistical Mechanics in Classical Phase Space
Phil Attard, 2021
Cultura constitucional y derecho viviente. Escritos en honor al profesor Roberto Romboli
Gorki Gonzales, Elena Malfatti, Gianluca Famiglietti, Ascensió Elvira Perales, Itziar Gómez Fernánde, Giuseppe Campanelli, Elena Attard, Haideer Miranda, Marcelo Labanca (eds.), 2021
Cultura constitucional y derecho viviente. Escritos en honor al profesor Roberto Romboli
Gorki Gonzales (ed.), Elena Attard, Silvia Bagni, Michele Carducci, Paolo Caretti, Paolo Carnevale, Pasquale Costanzo, Emanuele Corn, Domingo García, Luis López Guerra,Augusto Martín de la Vega, Lucio Pegoraro, Juan Sosa, Giovanni Tarli Barbieri, Luis Aguiar, Ernesto Blume, Giuseppe Campanelli, Francesco Dal Canto, Eduardo Ferrer, Itziar Gómez Fernández, Gorki Gonzales, Massimo Luciani, Haideer Miranda, Giorgia Pavani, Andrea Pertici, Sabrina Ragone, Carmela Salazar (auts.), 2021