کتاب های Axel Korner

Creating Brain-Like Intelligence: From Basic Principles to Complex Intelligent Systems
Bernhard Sendhoff, Edgar Körner, Olaf Sporns (auth.), Bernhard Sendhoff, Edgar Körner, Olaf Sporns, Helge Ritter, Kenji Doya (eds.), 2009
Bayesian Data Analysis in Ecology Using Linear Models with R, BUGS, and Stan
Franzi Korner-Nievergelt, Tobias Roth, Stefanie von Felten, Jérôme Guélat, Bettina Almasi, Pius Korner-Nievergelt, 2015
Bayesian Data Analysis in Ecology Using Linear Models with R, BUGS and Stan
Franzi Korner-Nievergelt, Tobias Roth, Stefanie von Felten, Jérôme Guélat, Bettina Almasi, Pius Korner-Nievergelt, 2015
Die Farben der Wirklichkeit - ein Märchenbuch
Körner, Heinz, Allert-Wybranietz, Kristiane, Körner, Lucy, Kübler, Roland, Stiller, Claude Steiner Jürgen, Streibel, Bruno, 1983
Die Farben der Wirklichkeit - ein Märchenbuch
Körner, Heinz, Allert-Wybranietz, Kristiane, Körner, Lucy, Kübler, Roland, Stiller, Claude Steiner Jürgen, Streibel, Bruno, 1983
America Imagined: Explaining the United States in Nineteenth-Century Europe and Latin America
Axel Körner, Nicola Miller, Adam I. P. Smith (eds.), 2012
1848 — A European Revolution?: International Ideas and National Memories of 1848
Axel Körner (eds.), 2000
1848 : International Ideas and National Memories of 1848
Dr Axel Korner, 2000
1848: A European Revolution?
Axel Korner ed., 1999
Alpine Treelines: Functional Ecology of the Global High Elevation Tree Limits
Christian Körner (auth.), 2012
Data Mining for Global Trends in Mountain Biodiversity
Christian Korner, Eva M. Spehn, 2009
A First Look at Fourier Analysis
Korner T.A., 2003
The Pleasures of Counting
T. W. Körner, 1996
Coding and cryptography
Korner T.W., 1998
Coding and Cryptography
T. Korner, 1998
Coding and Cryptography
T. W. Korner, 1998
Demografischer Wandel und Kultur: Veränderungen im Kulturangebot und der Kulturnachfrage
Andrea Hausmann, Jana Körner, 2009
Networking 2000 Broadband Communications, High Performance Networking, and Performance of Communication Networks: IFIP-TC6/European Commission International Conference Paris, France, May 14–19, 2000 Proceedings
Marcelo Dias de Amorim, Otto Carlos M. B. Duarte, Guy Pujolle (auth.), Guy Pujolle, Harry Perros, Serge Fdida, Ulf Körner, Ioannis Stavrakakis (eds.), 2000
Gender Mainstreaming in Sachsen-Anhalt: Konzepte und Erfahrungen
Dipl. sc. pol, Mag. rer. publ. Isolde Hofmann, Dr. phil. Kristin Körner, Dr. rer. pol. Christine Färber, Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologe Jochen Geppert, Dr. phil. Anne Rösgen, Dipl.-Ingenieurin Ute Wanzek (auth.), 2003
Bayesian Data Analysis in Ecology Using Linear Models with R, BUGS, and Stan
Franzi Korner-Nievergelt at. al, 2015
Carbon dioxide, populations, and communities
Fakhri A. Bazzaz, Christian Korner, 1996
Meeresbiologische Exkursion: Beobachtung und Experiment
Dr. Peter Emschermann, Dr. Odwin Hoffrichter (auth.), Peter Emschermann, Odwin Hoffrichter, Helge Körner, Dieter Zissler (eds.), 1992