کتاب های Ba Hons

Pregnancy and Childbirth: A holistic approach to massage and bodywork
Suzanne Yates BA(Hons)Dip HSEC(Shiatsu diploma)MRSS(T)APNTAntenatal, 2010
Understanding Disability. A Guide for Health Professionals
Sally French, DipGradPhys DipTP BSc(Hons) MSc(Psych) MSc(Soc) PhD,
Understanding Disability. A Guide for Health Professionals
Sally French, DipGradPhys DipTP BSc(Hons) MSc(Psych) MSc(Soc) PhD,, 2008
Practical Industrial Data Networks: Design, Installation and Troubleshooting
Steve Mackay CPEng BSc (ElecEng)BSc (Hons)MBA, 2004
Practical Industrial Data Networks: Design, Installation and Troubleshooting (IDC Technology)
Steve Mackay CPEng BSc (ElecEng)BSc (Hons)MBA, 2004
Practical Industrial Data Networks: Design, Installation and Troubleshooting (IDC Technology)
Steve Mackay CPEng BSc (ElecEng)BSc (Hons)MBA, 2004
Practical Industrial Data Networks: Design, Installation and Troubleshooting (IDC Technology)
Steve Mackay CPEng BSc (ElecEng)BSc (Hons)MBA, 2004
Essential ASP.NET™ fast : with examples in VB .Net
Simon Stobart BA(Hons), 2003
Essential PHP fast : Building Dynamic Web Sites with MySQL
Simon Stobart BA (Hons), 2002
Building Services Handbook, Sixth Edition: Incorporating Current Building & Construction Regulations
Roger Greeno BA(Hons.), 2011
Analog Electronics: Analysis and Design
Malcolm Goodge BSc(Hons), 1990
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in Dogs and Cats, 1e
Frank J M Verstraete DrMedVetBVSc(Hons)MMedVetDipl AVDCDipl ECVSDipl EVDC, 2012
Java Methods for Financial Engineering: Applications in Finance and Investment
Philip Barker BSc (HONS), 2007
Interventions for Mental Health. An Evidence-Based Approach for Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists
Tina Everett, MSc MCSP, Marie Donaghy, PhD BA(Hons) FCSP ILTM,
Interventions for Mental Health. An Evidence-Based Approach for Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists
Tina Everett, MSc MCSP, Marie Donaghy, PhD BA(Hons) FCSP ILTM,, 2003
The Responsible Software Engineer: Selected Readings in IT Professionalism
Colin Myers BA (Hons), 1997
Clinical Skills in Nursing: The return of the practical room?
Maggie Nicol BSc(Hons), 1999
Business Decisions: A Cross-Modular Case Study Approach
Joseph Chilver B.Sc.Econ.Hons. (Lond.), A.I.B. (&, 1983
Practical Machinery Safety
David Macdonald BSc (Hons) Inst. Eng., 2004
Veterinary Practice Management: A Practical Guide (Second Edition)
Maggie Shilcock BSc(Hons)ZoologyCMSPost Grad Dip Librarianship, 2008
Slatter's Fundamentals of Veterinary Ophthalmology, Fourth Edition
David Maggs BVSc(Hons)DAVCO, 2007
Practical Industrial Data Communications: Best Practice Techniques
Deon Reynders Pr EngBSc (ElecEng) (Hons)MBA, 2005
Grainger & Allison's Diagnostic Radiology, 5th Edition
Andy Adam MBBS(Hons) FRCP FRCS FRCR FFRRCSI(Hon), 2007
Grainger & Allison's Diagnostic Radiology: Expert Consult: Online and Print (2 Vol Set)
Andy Adam MBBS(Hons) FRCP FRCS FRCR FFRRCSI(Hon), 2007