کتاب های Bakhtin, M. M

Aristophanes and the carnival of genres
Aristophanes.; Bakhtin, Mikhail Mikhaĭlovich; Aristophanes; Platter, Charles; Bakhtin, Bakhtin Mikhail Mikhaĭlovich, 2007
A Dialogue of voices : feminist literary theory and Bakhtin
Bakhtin, Mikhail Mikhaĭlovich; Wussow, Helen; Hohne, Karen Ann; Bakhtin, M, 1994
Bakhtin and the human sciences : no last words
Bakhtin, Mikhail Mikhaĭlovich; Gardiner, Michael; Bell, Michael; Bakhtin, M. M, 1998
Bakhtinian thought : an introductory reader
Bakhtin, Mikhail Mikhaĭlovich; Dentith, Simon; Bakhtin, M, 1995
Between philosophy and literature : Bakhtin and the question of the subject
Bachtin, Michail M.; Bakhtin, Mikhail Mikhaĭlovich; Erdinast-Vulcan, Daphna; Bakhtin, Mikhail Mikhaĭlovich, 2013
Between philosophy and literature : Bakhtin and the question of the subject
Bachtin, Michail M.; Bakhtin, Mikhail Mikhaĭlovich; Erdinast-Vulcan, Daphna; Bakhtin, Mikhail Mikhaĭlovich, 2014
Art and Answerability: Early Philosophical Essays
M. M. Bakhtin, 1990
Bakhtin and his Others : (Inter)subjectivity, Chronotope, Dialogism
Steinby, Liisa; Klapuri, Tintti; Bakhtin, Mikhail Mikhaĭlovich, 2013
Bakhtin and Theatre: Dialogues with Stanislavski, Meyerhold and Grotowski
Bachtin, Michail M.; Bakhtin, Mikhail Mikhaĭlovich; Grotowski, Jerzy; McCaw, Dick; Meĭerkholʹd, Vsevolod Ėmilʹevich; Mejercholʹd, Vsevolod Ė.; Stanislavskij, Konstantin S.; Stanislavsky, Konstantin, 2015
Christianity in Bakhtin : God and the exiled author
Bakhtin, Mikhail Mikhaĭlovich; Coates, Ruth; Bakhtine, M, 1998
Dialogic Materialism: Bakhtin, Embodiment and Moving Image Art
Bakhtin, Mikhail Mikhaĭlovich; Jordan-Haladyn, Miriam, 2014
Dialogues of the Word : the Bible as literature according to Bakhtin
Bakhtin, Mikhail Mikhaĭlovich, 1993
Estetica da criaçao verbal
Mikhail Bakhtin, 1997
Language for those who have nothing : Mikhail Bakhtin and the landscape of psychiatry
Bakhtin, Mikhail Mikhaĭlovich, 2002
Marxismo e Filosofia da Linguagem
M.M. Bakhtin, 2004
Para uma filosofia do ato responsável
MM Bakhtin, 2010
Problems of Dostoevsky's poetics
Mikhail Mikhaĭlovich Bakhtin, 1984
Problems of Dostoevsky's Poetics (Theory & History of Literature)
M.M. Bakhtin, 1984
Problems of Dostoevsky's Poetics (Theory and History of Literature)
Mikhail Bakhtin, 1984
Problems of Dostoevsky's Poetics (Theory and History of Literature)
Mikhail Bakhtin, 1984
Problems of Dostoevsky's Poetics (Theory and History of Literature)
Mikhail Bakhtin, 1984
Rabelais and His World
Mikhail M. Bakhtin, 1984