کتاب های Barry Lyga

Advanced Computational Methods in Science and Engineering
Rob F. Remis, Neil V. Budko (auth.), Barry Koren, Kees Vuik (eds.), 2010
Infinity: Beyond the Beyond the Beyond
Lillian R. Lieber, Hugh Gray Lieber, Barry Mazur, 2007
Infinity: Beyond the Beyond the Beyond
Lillian R. Lieber, Hugh Gray Lieber, Barry Mazur, 2007
Tribute to a mathemagician
Barry Cipra, Erik D. Demaine, Martin L. Demaine, Tom Rodgers, 2005
Etale Homotopy
Michael Artin, Barry Mazur, 1969
Etale Homotopy
Michael Artin, Barry Mazur, 1969
Calcolo Tensoriale
Barry Spain, 1971
An Introduction to International Relations: Australian Perspectives
Barry Buzan (auth.), 2007
Cardiac Remodeling: Mechanisms and Treatment (Fundamental and Clinical Cardiology)
Barry Greenberg, 2005
Clinical Assessment of Child and Adolescent Personality and Behavior
Paul J. Frick, Christopher T. Barry, Randy W. Kamphaus (auth.), 2010
Master Dentistry Volume 3 Oral Biology: Oral Anatomy, Histology, Physiology and Biochemistry, 1e
Barry K. B. Berkovitz BDSMScPhDFDS (ENG), Bernard J. Moxham BScBDSPhD, Roger W. A. Linden BDSPhDMFDSRCS, Alastair J. Sloan BScPhD, 2010
MCQs for Dentistry
Kathleen FM Fan, Judith Jones, Barry F. A. Quinn, 2014
Textbook of Diabetes
Richard I. G. Holt, Clive Cockram, Allan Flyvbjerg, Barry J. Goldstein, 2010
Type 2 Diabetes: Principles and Practice
J Goldstein Barry, Dirk Mueller-Wieland, 2007
Pediatric Obesity: Etiology, Pathogenesis, and Treatment
Barry Popkin (auth.), Michael Freemark (eds.), 2010
Investigative Immunotoxicology
Helen Tryphonas, Michel Fournier, Barry R. Blakley, Judit Smits, Pauline Brousseau, 2005
Complementary Therapies in Neurology
Oken Barry, 2003
Complementary Therapies in Neurology
Oken Barry, 2003
Cancer: Basic Science and Clinical Aspects
Craig A. Almeida, Sheila A. Barry, 2010
Developing Adoption Support and Therapy: New Approaches for Practice
Angie Hart, Barry Luckock, 2004
Interests and the Growth of Knowledge (RLE Social Theory)
Barry Barnes, 2015
Rethinking Security after the Cold War
Barry Buzan, 1997