کتاب های Bat Ami Bar On

The Story of Colors / La Historia de los Colores, A Folktale from the Jungles of Chiapas
Subcomandante Marcos, Domitila Domínguez (illustrations), Anne Bar Din (trans.), 1999
Chineasy Everyday: The World of Chineasy Characters
Noma Bar ShaoLan, 2016
Predictions in the Brain: Using Our Past to Generate a Future
Moshe Bar, 2011
Reading Poetry, Writing Genre: English Poetry and Literary Criticism in Dialogue with Classical Scholarship
Silvio Bär; Emily Hauser, 2018
Reading Poetry, Writing Genre: English Poetry and Literary Criticism in Dialogue with Classical Scholarship
Silvio Bär; Emily Hauser, 2018
ספר הזוהר עם לשון הקודש (Zohar in Aramaic with Hebrew translation)
רבי שמעון בר יוחאי (Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai)
The Arabic Dialect of the Jews of Baghdad : Phonology, Morphology, and Texts
Assaf Bar-Moshe, 2019
Citrus Tristeza Virus: Methods and Protocols
Antonino F. Catara, Moshe Bar-Joseph, Grazia Licciardello, 2019
Shared Beliefs in a Society: Social Psychological Analysis
Daniel Bar-Tal, 2000
Jewish-Christian Dialogues on Scripture in Late Antiquity: Heretic Narratives of the Babylonian Talmud
Michal Bar-Asher Siegal, 2019
The Sense of Reference: Intentionality in Frege
Gilead Bar-Elli, 1996
Not Just for Show
Bar-Yosef Mayer, Daniella; Bonsall, Clive; Choyke, Alice M., 2017
The Nusayri-Alawi Religion: An Enquiry Into Its Theology and Liturgy
Meir M. Bar-Asher, Aryeh Kofksy, 2002
Mossad : the greatest missions of the Israeli Secret Service
Michael Bar-Zohar; Nissim Mishal, 2012
LaszloKurti,Bar, 2007
Where Have All the Fascists Gone?
Tamir Bar-On, 2007
The Manasseh Hill Country Survey: From Nahal ‘Iron to Nahal Shechem
Adam Zertal, Nivi Mirkam, Shay Bar, 2016
Spies in the Promised Land: Iser Harel and the Israeli Secret Service
Michael Bar-Zohar, 1972
Artificial Protein and Peptide Nanofibers: Design, Fabrication, Characterization, and Applications (Woodhead Publishing Series in Biomaterials)
Gang Wei (editor), Sangamesh G. Kum bar (editor), 2020
Notes on Adjunctions, Monads and Lawvere Theories
Filip Bár, 2013
Regesten Kaiser Sigismunds (1410-1437): Die Urkunden und Briefe aus den Archiven und Bibliotheken West-, Nord- und Ostböhmens
Premysl Bar, Stanislav Barta, Petr Elbel, Lukas Reitinger, 2016
Regesten Kaiser Sigismunds (1410-1437): Die Urkunden und Briefe aus den Archiven ve Bibliotheken West-, Nord- ve Ostböhmens
Petr Elbel, Lukáš Reitinger, Přemysl Bar, Stanislav Bárta, 2016
Scene Vision: Making Sense of What We See
Kestutis Kveraga (ed.), Moshe Bar (ed.), 2014