کتاب های Bell, David R.

Assessing Individual Differences in Human Behavior: New Concepts, Methods, and Findings
David Lubinski, Rene V. Dawis, Lloyd G. Humphreys, Leona E. Tyler, Susan E. Embretson, David J. Weiss, Paul E. Meehl, Robert R. Golden, Mary J. Mayer, Nancy E. Betz, David P. Campbell, James Rounds, Niels G. Waller, David T. Lykken, Auke Tellegen, Stanley R. Strong, James J. Jenkins, Winnifred Strange, Linda Olka, David Premack, Howard E. A. Tinsley, John L. Holland, 1995
Environmental Law Handbook
Christopher L. Bell, F. William Brownell, David R. Case, Kevin A. Ewing, Jessica O. King, Stanley W. Landfair, Duke K., III McCall, Marshall Lee Miller, Karen J. Nardi, Austin P. Olney, Thomas Richichi, John M. Scagnelli, James W. Spensley, Daniel M. Steinway, Rolf R. von Oppenfeld, 2013
Geotechnical Engineering of Dams
Robin Fell, Patrick MacGregor, David Stapledon, Graeme Bell, 2005
Geotechnical engineering of dams
Robin Fell; Patrick MacGregor; David Stapledon; Graeme Bell; Mark Foster, 2014
Geotechnical Engineering of Dams, 2nd Edition
Robin Fell, Patrick MacGregor, David Stapledon, Graeme Bell, Mark Foster, 2014
A history of habit from Aristotle to Bourdieu
Tom Sparrow, Adam Hutchinson, Jeffrey Bell, Nick Crossley, William O. Stephens, Shannon Sullivan, David Leary, Margaret Watkins, Robert Miner, Thornton Lockwood, Terrance MacMullan, Peter Fosl, Dennis Des Chene, Clare Carlisle, Edward Casey, 2013
A history of habit from Aristotle to Bourdieu
Tom Sparrow, Adam Hutchinson, Jeffrey Bell, Nick Crossley, William O. Stephens, Shannon Sullivan, David Leary, Margaret Watkins, Robert Miner, Thornton Lockwood, Terrance MacMullan, Peter Fosl, Dennis Des Chene, Clare Carlisle, Edward Casey, 2013
Coal Gasification and Its Applications
David A. Bell, Brian F. Towler, Maohong Fan I, 2010
Design of modern control systems
Bell, David John, 1982
Reason and Passion: A Celebration of the Work of Hanna Segal
David Bell, 1997
Cybercultures: Critical Concepts in Media and Cultural Studies Vol 1
David Bell, 2006
Cyberculture Theorists
David Bell, 2007
Cyberculture Theorists (Routledge Critical Thinkers)
David Bell, 2007
Cemetery Girl
David Bell, 2011
An introduction to cybercultures
David Bell, 2001
Distributed Database Systems
David Bell, 1992
The man who thought he was Napoleon : toward a political history of madness
Bell, David Avrom, 2014
Riots in literature
David Bell, 2008
Cyberculture: the key concepts
David J. Bell, 2004
Decision Making: Descriptive, Normative, and Prescriptive Interactions
David E. Bell, 1988
Small Cities: Urban Experience Beyond the Metropolis
David Bell, 2006
Educating Europe
David Bell (Eds.), 1991
Lawyers and Citizens: The Making of a Political Elite in Old Regime France
David A. Bell, 1994