کتاب های Ben Dupre

50 Political Ideas You Really Need to Know
Ben Dupre & Ben Dupré, 2013
50 Political Ideas You Really Need to Know
Ben Dupre, 2011
50 Big Ideas You Really Need to Know
Ben Dupre, 2009
50 Schlüsselideen der Menschheit
Ben Dupré (auth.), 2012
50 Schlüsselideen Philosophie
Ben Dupré (auth.), 2010
50 Schlüsselideen Politik
Ben Dupré (auth.), 2013
50 Ideias de Filosofia que Você Precisa Conhecer
Ben Dupré, 2015
50 Grandi Idee di Filosofia
Ben Dupré
50 grandes ideias da humanidade que você precisa conhecer
Ben Dupré, 2016
50 cosas que hay que saber sobre filosofía
Ben Dupré, 2017
50 cosas que hay que saber sobre política
Ben Dupré, 2011
50 cosas que hay que saber sobre política
Ben Dupré, 2011
50 cosas que hay que saber sobre política
Ben Dupré, 2011
50 cosas que hay que saber sobre ética
Ben Dupré, 2014
Cinquanta grandi idee di filosofia
Ben Dupré, 2009
GPCR Signalling Complexes – Synthesis, Assembly, Trafficking and Specificity
Christian Nanoff, Michael Freissmuth (auth.), Denis J. Dupré, Terence E. Hébert, Ralf Jockers (eds.), 2012
Laboratories of Art: Alchemy and Art Technology from Antiquity to the 18th Century
Sven Dupré (eds.), 2014
Taurine 2: Basic and Clinical Aspects
Silvestro Duprè, 1996
Coma, tome 1 : Vincent
Steven Dupré, 2002
Coma, tome 2
Steven Dupré, 2003
Coma, Tome 3 : Demain, peut-être
Steven Dupré, 2004
The Enlightenment and the Intellectual Foundations of Modern Culture
Louis Dupre, 2004