کتاب های Ben Tor

Advances in surface acoustic wave technology, systems and applications
Fjeldly, Tor A.; Ruppel, Clemens C. W., 2000/9999
Reliability data for safety instrumented systems : PDS data handbook
Hauge, Stein; Onshus, Tor, 2010
The User Illusion: Cutting Consciousness Down to Size
Tor Norretranders, 1998
Digital Design Using VHDL: A Systems Approach Solution Manual
William J. Dally, R. Curtis Harting, Tor M. Aamodt, 2016
Digital Design Using VHDL: A Systems Approach
William J. Dally, R. Curtis Harting, Tor M. Aamodt, 2015
Practical Pediatric Dermatology: Controversies in Diagnosis and Treatment
Arnold P Oranje; Nawaf Al-Mutairi; Tor Shwayder, 2016
Longitudinal Observation of Pediatric Dermatology Patients
Tor Shwayder; Samantha L. Schneider; Devika Icecreamwala; Marla N. Jahnke, 2019
Political Ecology: A Critical Engagement with Global Environmental Issues
Tor A. Benjaminsen and Hanne Svarstad, 2021
The User Illusion: Cutting Consciousness Down to Size
Tor Norretranders, 1998
Values, Objectivity, and Explanation in Historiography
Tor Egil Førland, 2017
Applied Statistics Using Stata: A Guide for the Social Sciences
Mehmet Mehmetoglu, Tor Georg Jakobsen, 2016
Ablution, Initiation, and Baptism: Late Antiquity, Early Judaism, and Early Christianity
David Hellholm; Tor Vegge; Øyvind Norderval; Christer Hellholm, 2011
Maritime-Port Technology and Development
Sören Ehlers, Bjorn Egil Asbjornslett, Ornulf Jan Rodseth, Tor Einar Berg, 2014
Maritime-Port Technology and Development
Sören Ehlers, Bjorn Egil Asbjornslett, Ornulf Jan Rodseth, Tor Einar Berg, 2014
Populism, the Pandemic and the Media: Journalism in the age of Covid, Trump, Brexit and Johnson
John Mair (editor), Tor Clark (editor), Neil Fowler (editor), 2021
Innføring i vitenskapsteori og metode
Grenness, Tor, 1997
Paulus und das antike Schulwesen. Schule und Bildung des Paulus
Tor Vegge, 2006
Historisk fysikk
Christian Callin, Tor Ragnar Gerholm, 1976
Advances in the Economic Analysis of Participatory and Labor-Managed Firms
Tor Eriksson; Alex Bryson; Takao Kato, 2010
The Transfer and Diffusion of Information Technology for Organizational Resilience: IFIP TC8 WG 8.6 International Working Conference, June 7-10, 2006, ... and Communication Technology, 206)
Brian Donnellan (editor), Tor Larsen (editor), Linda Levine (editor), Janice DeGross (editor), 2006
Law and Economics of Regulation (Economic Analysis of Law in European Legal Scholarship, 11)
Klaus Mathis (editor), Avishalom Tor (editor), 2021
Sequences, Subsequences, and Consequences: International Workshop, SSC 2007, Los Angeles, CA, USA, May 31 - June 2, 2007, Revised Invited Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4893)
Solomon W. Golomb (editor), Guang Gong (editor), Tor Helleseth (editor), Hong-Yeop Song (editor), 2007
Seismic Motion, Lithospheric Structures, Earthquake and Volcanic Sources: The Keiiti Aki Volume
Yehuda Ben-Zion (auth.), Yehuda Ben-Zion (eds.), 2003